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  1. angus_grant

    iSpindel Digital Hydrometer

    And it timed out at 1AM (about 2 hours after I put it in there) and got the old "Rescue Wifi Credentials" problem. A reset booted it into config mode where it complained about ROM CRC not being valid and no OneWire temp sensor Can someone run through their flashing process? It seems very flaky...
  2. angus_grant

    iSpindel Digital Hydrometer

    Alright, so finally getting around to actually getting a WiFi extender into my shed, and things seem to be working finally. These iSpindels seem very temperamental if they miss getting WiFi access one time. I keep getting "Rescue WiFi credentials" messages when the WiFi drops out once. This was...
  3. angus_grant

    iSpindel Digital Hydrometer

    If I wasn't intergrating the tilt into my website, I would have just bought ispindles. Once the software environment around the Ispindle is improved, then the tilt will just seem like an expensive alternative. The one big limitation for the tilt is that it only has 8 different devices. There...
  4. angus_grant

    iSpindel Digital Hydrometer

    While the Tilt may seem over-priced, it's environment is so much easier to use than the iSpindel. It worked from the moment I pulled it out of the packet. Install app on phone Tilt the "Tilt" device to turn it on (no internal switch to turn it on and off - you just sit it upright and it turns...
  5. angus_grant

    iSpindel Digital Hydrometer

    Hey @Ballaratguy, I am finalising documentation on my brewing website this weekend for integrating iSpindels and attaching readings to ferment logs. The website is all set up to integrate the devices and accept readings, I just have to finish off the documentation. I don't have a...
  6. angus_grant

    iSpindel Digital Hydrometer

    I ended up very gently bending the pins inwards to let it fit into the supplied tube. Slides in with a little force and slides out with a little force, just the way I like it....;) One of the devices required a reflash of the firmware to constantly send updates to my website. It would send one...
  7. angus_grant

    iSpindel Digital Hydrometer

    So @bee2gee would these be a complete unit ready to go for $55?
  8. angus_grant

    iSpindel Digital Hydrometer

    Bingo, I'd be accepting readings via json over http. How much did you want for your spares? And would they include all required components?
  9. angus_grant

    iSpindel Digital Hydrometer

    Sounds like some knowledgeable peeps in here. Will I be able to post readings to somewhere else apart from ubidots? I'm probably capable of some C programming (assuming that is what firmware is written in), although i have a guy at work who could get stuff worked out if my C#/VB.Net brain is...
  10. angus_grant

    2017 SEQ Christmas Case Swap - Tasting thread

    Nick Holt's barrel-aged imperial amber. Once it warmed up, it started releasing all its goodness. Some rum/spirit aromas followed by a gentle vanilla. There's some spirit flavours as well, but the main flavour is sweet smooth malt. It's slightly boozy in aroma and flavour, but at 9.5% I'd...
  11. angus_grant

    How Much Did You Brew In 2017

    Bang on 300L plus pie graph shows 2017 style breakdown. Should brew more than that this year as kids are older and slightly more self sufficient.
  12. angus_grant

    2017 SEQ Christmas Case Swap - Tasting thread

    Imperial Silver Dollar porter Style: Robust Porter Batch size: 23.00 l Boil time: 90 mins Yeast: Safale American (DCL/Fermentis US-05) OG: 1.080 FG: 1.015 Est ABV: 8.5 % Colour: 60.4 EBC IBU: 57.7 IBUs Fermentables Name Type Colour Amount (kg)...
  13. angus_grant

    2017 SEQ Christmas Case Swap - Tasting thread

    23 - bierre De ble noir Fresh is best, eh Perry Slight pepper and zing in the aroma Nice gentle dark malts in flavour. After taste I don't recognise so I'm putting that down to the buckwheat. I'd say this was a dark saison if it didn't say witbier. A more subtle beer than Perry's normal...
  14. angus_grant

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    So just scroll to the bottom of the ad to see seller's other items. :-O
  15. angus_grant

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    ^^ Yoink. Sorry peeps. Not sorry.
  16. angus_grant

    2017 SEQ Christmas Case Swap - Tasting thread

    #3 red rye saison Hmm, this one was an interesting beer. The rye really pushed through and confused the saison for me. It was fairly malty (can't find the right word), sweet maybe. If I didn't know it was a saison base, I would have said amber ale and would have enjoyed it. Lots of crud in...
  17. angus_grant

    2017 SEQ Christmas Case Swap - Tasting thread

    8 earle bad saison I've nothing to add to previous comments on this beer. Really well made saison and nice subtle spicing. I can't tell what the spices are, so I reckon the strength of spicing is bang on.
  18. angus_grant

    2017 SEQ Christmas Case Swap - Tasting thread

    For some reason the image I attached to my post is secured.
  19. angus_grant

    2017 SEQ Christmas Case Swap - Tasting thread

    #22 belgian ale A great beer. Some really nice belgian characteristics in aroma and flavour. I've taken a while to drink this, and it's gotten fairly warm. Still tasting great. A sign of a well made beer.
  20. angus_grant

    2017 SEQ Christmas Case Swap - Tasting thread

    #6 pepper with saison added. Very lively carbonation and a massive head. Stuck around for a while and subsided. Pepper flavours were a bit much when cold but the saison flavours balanced out when warmed up. I did not get any band aid, but slight musty brett flavours. I wonder if the band...