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  1. Alex.Tas

    Another Rochefort 10 Thread

    I had a taste of the batch you helped me design late last year. Its been in the Lark whiskey cask for 4 months now. its tasting great, but needs a bit longer on the oak i think. You will need to come by for a taste yest/QC.
  2. Alex.Tas

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    All good, I turned them into baskets!
  3. Alex.Tas

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    This is my current hop plantation. It all got recycled into a basket. Not super pretty, but not too bad for a first attempt. AHB.... Aussie Home Basketmaking?
  4. Alex.Tas

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace 19L ball locks for $70 each in Hobart
  5. Alex.Tas

    Calcium Lactate

    Around 50t or so. I can't remember exactly. This wasn't a brewing related enterprise, we were decommissioning sulphuric acid tanks, and blending up the residual H2SO4 (and associated sludge) with ag lime. We used the Ag lime to neutralise the acid to pH 5ish and also to create a blanket over...
  6. Alex.Tas

    Calcium Lactate

    If you do decide to DIY, FFS use goggles. I did something similar to this last year, but we were using sulphuric acid (and associated precipitated metal sulphates) and ag lime (CaCO3). Oh yeah and we used an excavator to do the mixing.... Gave off a fair bit of heat and like MHB says, bubbles...
  7. Alex.Tas

    Dark/Black layer of yeast on yeast cake- to use or chuck?

    This is what i would do droopy give the jar a gentle swirl, till you get the layer of dark stuff off the top, up into suspension. decant the liquid as best you can. top up with water that has been boiled and cooled (so it is sterile) or i typically use bottled water. Do not use DI water...
  8. Alex.Tas

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Harvested my Chinook the other day, managed to get a touch over a kilo wet. Its dried out to 240g, so I'm pretty happy with that, much more than last year. I had a few issues with soil quality and water frequency this year, so i reckon next year will be bigger and better! as I don't have a vac...
  9. Alex.Tas

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Took a couple of photos of my hops for comparison. This first one is my columbus. the cones haven't opened up much but are starting to dry out. The chinook on the other hand has opened out nicely and i think its pretty much ready to go. I'm pretty stoked on how they have turned out this year...
  10. Alex.Tas

    DIY Dog - recipes for every brewdog beer ever made

    #36 black dog - hoppy black what stout 58% pale malt 15.7% caramalt (is this just light crystal?) 8.8% wheat malt 7.8% crystal 150 5.3% chocolate malt 4.3% roasted barley ~22% crystal seems a wee bit much. the recipe calls for 1.12kg of caramalt, if this were adjusted to 0.12kg then the %...
  11. Alex.Tas

    Cask and Hand-pump

    F*&^%ing Northern monkey
  12. Alex.Tas

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Have you been in the blackberry patch too? Maybe its just the contrast with that gold lupulin that makes your hands look purple!
  13. Alex.Tas

    Help - need a Wheat recipe?

    take this suggestion with a grain of salt (pun absolutely intended). Most of Melbourne water is soft, like Hobart water. There is a great PDF available on the web it gives you the basics in a...
  14. Alex.Tas

    MJ LCPA kit

    i would agree with this. 30g of hops in total, i think you would be better off getting a little flavour into the wort rather than dry hopping. I prefer late hops to dry hops in beers these days. i think there is a a better correlation between flavour and aroma.
  15. Alex.Tas

    Milk Stout Recipe

    Yep it is. I would use a little of something else late, such as EKG, or fuggles. maybe a 10 min addition. 1469 (yorkshire) would be great, or even so4 if you want to use a dry yeast. I like it...
  16. Alex.Tas

    OG Changing?

    Did you shake the cube before transferring to aerate? I dunno if it is possible, but could there be some stratification within the nochill cube? ie denser wort at the bottom. Its probably pretty unlikely. Maybe take another SG reading from the wort (that is presumably suitably mixed) in the FV...
  17. Alex.Tas


    I did the same thing for a completely separate chiller i bought from Ebay. the outer tube diameter was 12mm. The description on the KK website stated the compression fittings were suitable for their 12mm immersion chiller. I suppose its slightly my fault for not double checking, but their...
  18. Alex.Tas

    Rookie error 3068

    Nice work. As Coodgee says, let it warm up and crack the lid a little so gas can escape. or cover with glad wrap and secure with a rubber band. When you think its finished fermenting, put it back in the fridge for a few days to settle out the yeast. Decant off most of the liquid and then give...
  19. Alex.Tas

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    No. It really isn't! last time i had a taste of a hop cone (Helga) i struggled to get the taste our of my mouth for around an hour. I like Helga hops. But i like them in beer.