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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    POL's Vienna Lager Poured with a large head with large bubbles. Has slowly diminished, but now smaller bubbles below. Surged for a while when first poured, giving a good appearance, but carbonation was not over the top from what i could tell. Nice colour, yet a little hazy. Hasnt improved...
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    Old Kegs ?

    Londonderry junkyard has kegs in there for sale. On corener of Richmond Rd and another just after Macquarie st roundabout heading to richmond. Cant miss it. Its a paddock full of crap with the wonderland sign out the front
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    Who Rides A Motorcycle

    Have a 2004 Scorpa 250 if that means anything to anybody here.
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    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Sam's Golden Ale Poured a little darker than i would have thought, although i think it is quite similar to amber ales I've had previously. Maybe a tad lighter. Reasonably clear. Slight haze to it though. Not too sure of the aroma when sniffed, but wasnt overly strong. Had a thich head which...
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    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Kongs mild Poured with a thick creamy head. Tight white bubbles which lasted the entire glass. Very light straw coloured beer below. Initial appearance indicates it is a quaffing beer due to being so light. Im yet to have a light beer which is full bodied. Maybe with experience itI will find...
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    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Trents porter Poured well with a thick head which disappeared quite quickly. Extremely dark. What i initially expected from a porter before hombreworlds beer. No massive smell when sniffed. Took a sip, and WOW. Huge roasty flavour. Extremely powerful, but not a lot of hop flavour there to...
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    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Duff's Kolsch Poured the best of anything ive had yet. Perfect carb. levels for my pouring style. nice 10-15mm head with tiny little bubbles much like you would expect on a stout, but with a much thinner body. Colour seemed pretty similar to Doc's, maybe a bit lighter. All i have to compare...
  8. B

    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Kungys 12 Caesars amarillo APA Poured quite heady and was surging from the bottom of the glass. May have been a little overcarbed i suspect. Nice light colour. Held its head for ages. had to fight through the bloody thing to get to the beer. Very strong hop aroma. First taste, and BANG. Yeah...
  9. B

    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Well I'd say youre pretty right with a lot of what youve picked up there. Fermentation temp was fairly high due to unexpected fridge problems whilst away. Attenuation seemed alright. Was at 1.014 when bottled so im not sure about the thinness of it. I tried to mash at a lower temp though to try...
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    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Weizguy's Weisse Had this one last night. Interesting... :lol: I shouyldnt have read the other reports first. I dont like cheese. So the smell had me turned of before i started. Still seemed a little low carbed .No head retention. Nice light colour. Was a touch thicker than i was expecting...
  11. B

    What Are Your Brewing Plans For 2005

    Well, i picked up 75kg of base malts today, so i will have a big season this year. If only i could get off my ass to waste the gut this hobbyis creating. Actually ill make that priority no1. But basically i wanna hit the AG thing. i have everything here to do it. May neeed a few more things to...
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    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Gough's Cleanskin Amber Ale Poured well from the bottle to the glass with a nice head forming. Setlled reasonably quickly, however a solid ring has remained to the bottom of the glass, so pretty good retention there. Colour seems pretty dark to me. Kind of a Newcastle brown type of colour...
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    A Bit Of Fun At Christmas

    ANyone else find the fact the web address starts with banditos a little ironical?
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    Chlorine Containers For Grain Storage

    Batz, How did these drums turn out for you and what did you do to treat them? Local fruit market has them for $10/pop for 55lt, so perfect for a sack. Need to get them soon as i have 80kg arriving tomorrow. Cheers, Rob
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    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Just a small ask guys. I think it was mentioned at the start of the thread, but could everyone please post what yeast they used. If your name is already there with it entered thats fine. I just wanna assemble a good sized yeast bank. Gotta go to the brew shop again to get some more bungs and...
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    eBay Items II

    Let somebody elses spelling mistake be your bargain Autoclave
  17. B

    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Homebrew worlds Robust porter Never had a proper porter before and was expecting something mor like guinness. Wasnt as roasty a finish as guiness with a lot more hop flavour there to drown it out a little. FOund it to be quite nice actually. WOuldnt mind another right now. Was carbonated...
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    London Porter

    Well when you get back from the workbench, post up a recipe for us all.
  19. B

    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Nifty's Some Sort of Aussie Pale Ale Poured with probably the creamiest head i have seen. Was super thick with extremely fine bubbles with good carbonation below. Mouth taste was a little light on for my liking. Nice tasting beer which went down extremely easy. A little more hop or malt taste...
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    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Knocked off Docs contribution last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it. A style ive never tried before but found it to be quite refreshing so somehting i might have to have a crack at in the future i think. Had a fantastic head. Tight formed bubbles which lasted for the entire glass. Even in my...