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  1. devoutharpist


    Very interesting... i wonder if this one would fit in the 50L (not sure if they're wider or not). Might have to bust out the measuring tape
  2. devoutharpist


    Thanks, i usually chuck a whirlfloc in there so i'll give that a go and see what happens. Do you pull the coil out before you let it settle, or leave that in there as well? Might be worth getting a reducer, off the top of your head do you know the diameter of the stock tube?
  3. devoutharpist

    Australian Barley Wine

    I actually bottled a pseudo-Australian barley wine last night. While the malt bill wasn't Australian (MO and a little bit of crystal 120) i used only galaxy hops and a lot of them at that. Was sitting in secondary on some staves for about 5 months, the sample i tried while bottling was very...
  4. devoutharpist


    I've more or less dialled in my 50L now, been hitting my targets pretty much spot on. So now i reckon i am gonna try and tackle a NEIPA again. The style that caused me a bunch of headaches last time i brewed one (BG - before Guten) with clogged fermenter taps, etc due to the sheer volume of...
  5. devoutharpist


    So it went pretty well, undershot my target gravity but that was to be expected with a beer this big. I would recommend rice hulls to anyone having issues with the mash though. Took a risk and used the pump (without any sort of screen) to get the wort into the fermenter after chilling it down a...
  6. devoutharpist


    50L, honestly my main concern at the moment is getting the wet grain basket out of the system.
  7. devoutharpist


    Brewing a barleywine in the Guten this weekend. 9.5kg of grain (plus some rice hulls), what could possibly go wrong.............
  8. devoutharpist


    out of interest, what negative side effects does a scorch during the mash have? I had some scorching after my last brew, could have happened through the mash as i had the power up relatively high
  9. devoutharpist

    AHB Articles: Fermenting Directly in the No-chill Cube

    Where did you find those nice clear cubes?
  10. devoutharpist

    AHB Articles: Fermenting Directly in the No-chill Cube

    Also, what's the good noise on cubes at the moment? I see the bunnings ones are all opaque meaning that reading the levels would be a bit of a challenge
  11. devoutharpist

    Hop Trellis - Wire vs Rope

    +1 for rope/twine/etc. Mine are grown more horizontally than most i have seen I could go outside and check, but i think it's six rows of twine running parallel about 40cm apart.
  12. devoutharpist


    Thank you for all of the responses, lots of stuff to consider. I will admit that mashing has always been something that i haven't quite got my head around for all grain and trying to work out the mashing profiles in Beersmith for the Guten have been a pain. But maybe i should just ignore the...
  13. devoutharpist

    AHB Articles: Fermenting Directly in the No-chill Cube

    Let me revive this thread and hopefully this is the right place as it is somewhat related. Has anyone used a cube for ageing? I am planning to do a Barley-wine soon (and i do a RIS yearly) which require significant time of ageing in secondary. My fermenting fridge only really holds enough...
  14. devoutharpist


    It could be the crush, but i get milled at the LHBS, could be something to investigate. I did consider it could have been the grian bill, but given the volume of the 50L i would have assumed something a bit better. I will keep tabs on future brews and see how i go. Have you tried vinegar? I...
  15. devoutharpist


    So i'm two brews down in the Guten 50L now and one thing i have noticed is that i'm getting about 63% mash efficiency, was hoping i would be getting a little more than that. What has everyone else been getting? Both brews have been between ~7-8kg of grain and the one i did on the weekend (Black...
  16. devoutharpist

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    YMMV, but i managed to get mine up to 2600W on a 10amp outlet for the boil without tripping the circuit. I have an unused 15amp on the board though, need to get that hooked back up for full power/not worrying about tripping everything.
  17. devoutharpist


    i am officially interested in something like this. My plastic ones are probably due for replacement soon. Should be bottling my first Guten brew this week, but already tasted good going into secondary yesterday. Then onto the second brew once i have fridge space, hopefully hitting the pre-boil...
  18. devoutharpist


    i just went for hose clamps, went back and tightened them every few days before i brewed to make sure. had some very minor leakage but the connection sat outside of the kettle so it was fine. If i did two clamps on each connection i reckon i might have cancelled it out
  19. devoutharpist


    Now to shift topic... has anyone done any kettle souring in the Guten yet?
  20. devoutharpist


    Very concerning, I appear to be one of the only other owners with a fault. They replaced the re-circulation pipe on my unit but i certainly would have raised hell if they didn't.