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  1. mr_wibble

    Staves Brewery 'Brew Darker' homebrew comp

    RESULTS ARE IN!!! AND I didn't win. Who's got the recipe for that "Coconut Rough Dark Brown Ale" ? Must admit, it sounds really delicious.
  2. mr_wibble

    Kegbot (flow meter and digital taplist) project

    What about when SWMBO has a higher score than you :blink:
  3. mr_wibble

    Yet another Arduino Based Brewing controller

    When you say "relay" do you mean solenoid-type relay with an electric-coil? When these switch-back, they can produce a bit of back-EMF to the circuit. There's a few ways to fix this. I thought it was always diodes, but some of these links suggest other parts too...
  4. mr_wibble

    Mash Out question

    The decoction does destroy the enzymes in the section boiled, but typically there's more than enough left in the mash to carry on. If your decoction was 100% of your mash, it would be mash over.
  5. mr_wibble

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    I agree. I found an article the other day that suggested re-hydrating at much less than 40C resulted in a significant die-off of yeast. Ah-ha, found it: TL;DR - Rehydrate a packet of yeast in 100ml of water at 40C Rehydrating at the...
  6. mr_wibble

    Staves Brewery 'Brew Darker' homebrew comp

    Subitted our entries yesterday arvo' I stupidly parked near Central Station. The walk wasn't far, but when you're carrying a box of beer and having to go around mopers ambling along, fixated on their phones, it seemed a lot further than it was. Staves is in a minor road that runs parallel to...
  7. mr_wibble

    iSpindel Digital Hydrometer

    It's not difficult. If you want to make a start, get a beginner's Arduino kit (like the "Freetronics" one available online and from Jaycar), or roll your own with cheap parts from ebay/aliexpress. Read some online tutorials, build something...
  8. mr_wibble

    How do you O2.

    I just want to add this, possibly unhelpful, remark: If using O2 makes a tremendous difference to your beer (and it did mine), then one conclusion is that you were probably not aerating so well before O2. Sure sure, some yeasts want more oxygen than you can get with air alone, but I think the...
  9. mr_wibble

    Camco 4500w element

    Yes, what mofox1 said. This would be running a 20 amp element on a 10 amp circuit. Do NOT DO THIS. Get an electrician to install a standards-compliant circuit for whatever current-draw and distance needed. (Then you don't have to worry about burning your house down.)
  10. mr_wibble

    Yet another Arduino Based Brewing controller

    My favourite is when you look down, and the screw out of the terminal block has disappeared! :o
  11. mr_wibble

    Yet another Arduino Based Brewing controller

    Absolutely. For all intents and purposes, and Uno is the same as a Nano. It does need to be the version with 2k RAM and 32k of ROM[1] though. Some older Uno's are based on different (lower spec) CPU systems with less ROM. [1] It's not really ROM, since one can store a program in it. But once...
  12. mr_wibble

    Kegbot (flow meter and digital taplist) project

    Off by how much? Various sources cite either 3% or 10% accuracy. How are you watching for the "ticks" (pulses) from the sensor? Could you be missing some of them? Do you use rPi interrupts for detection? (As opposed to simply polling the state of the pin). Have you tried using an rPi...
  13. mr_wibble

    Yet another Arduino Based Brewing controller

    Another aspect of the DS18B20s is that they take about 1.5 seconds (IIRC) to do the full-precision read too. So if you need fast iterations you have to work something out. I guess temperature in a Hx/Pot isn't going to change much over a second.
  14. mr_wibble

    Yet another Arduino Based Brewing controller

    There's not really anything much to tell currently... I'm still using my box. The updated PID parameters seem to be working well. My little power supply failed the other day, I just swapped in a new one (I always buy a couple since they're so cheap). This is the first time I've had one fail...
  15. mr_wibble

    Spunding Valve

    Hmm, that's a really good idea. I already lubed mine up a-plenty. But I'd missed the fermentation boat by then, all the gas had escaped, and now it's basically failing to re-pressureise with the screw wound all the way in. I suspect it's because fermentation is finished, but I had it...
  16. mr_wibble

    Spunding Valve

    What are the thread types on the KK spundie ? I want to DIY a computer-controlled spunding valve, be nice if I could just "jack in" to the end of the KK pipe. Just looking at solenoid valves now.
  17. mr_wibble

    Going Nitrogen

    As far as I read, the beer is not completely carbonated. I think I read something that said to leave it on the CO2 as per normal, but for a shorter time. And that's what I did.
  18. mr_wibble

    Going Nitrogen

    I recently (November) got the 70:30 mix from speedgas in Newcastle (Bennets Green, up behind the Harvey Norman, at the back of the industrial area). I'm very happy with the service. Prices were the same as what Moad specifies. I talked to someone on the phone at Speedgas (Sydney), and they...
  19. mr_wibble

    Where to get a CO2 refill on the coast.

    There's also the homebrew shop at Wadalba (north of Wyong) usually overnight service, and Duane's at Toukey who can both fill and swap.
  20. mr_wibble

    Maximum solubility of O2 in water

    What book/paper is that from Mark? Basically this tells me, that at anything above 5oC and normal air-pressure, it's impossible to over oxygenate wort. Perhaps it's a bit high in the very short term, but then anything excess should be soon out the airlock. One less thing I have to be totally...