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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. toojays

    Dark Ale Tastes Like Soy Sauce.

    Hmm, I just opened a bottle to try and answer some of these questions, and this one is much less soy sauce. But it also seemed a lot more carbed. I'm thinking the answer might lie with the stuck ferment + autolysis. Is it possible that the autolysed yeast and the live/stuck yeast would lie at...
  2. toojays

    Dark Ale Tastes Like Soy Sauce.

    Yeah, I was drinking it a bit last year, but still have a fair bit left. I tend not to drink the darker beers in hot weather. Plus since this beer isn't exactly a taste sensation it's hung around for a while. Trying to finish it off this autumn/winter, but since I've made a couple of much better...
  3. toojays

    Dark Ale Tastes Like Soy Sauce.

    I made a dark ale which tastes too sweet, and has a flavour which a couple of people have described as "soy sauce". Can anyone suggest what causes this flavour? What I brewed: Morgan's Iron Bark Dark Ale can 1.5kg Coopers Amber LME Nottingham Yeast 2 weeks in primary at room temperature...
  4. toojays

    Everyone Should Make This

    I made a version of this on Good Friday as: 200g Caraamber + 100g Caraaroma steeped 3 kg LDME (400g in 5L boil) 20g Centential (9.7% AA) @ 30 min 40g Amarillo (8.6% AA) @ 20 min 40g Amarillo (8.6% AA) @ 10 min 15g Amarillo (8.6% AA) @ 0 min (figured I might as well chuck in the leftover hops)...
  5. toojays

    Easter Brewing

    I'm gonna make my first all-extract brew on Friday. The Centamarillo, but with some steeped grain (also a first for me) to try and give it a bit of a redder colour. Red Centamarillo.