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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    I Dont Want To Be A "partial Man"

    So is this the thread I use to post indiscriminantly just to increase my rank? :D
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    Tf Pale Malts.... Whats The Difference

    Good question. Maris Otter and Halcyon are both Winter barley, Golden Promise is a spring barley. I'm not a techy maltster so I can't add much, but it might give you something more to look into. Edit: A little more here
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    Skunk Fart Ale

    I didn't want to ruin a perfectly good brew by overdoing it, but the way it's already become quite drinkable, I think you're right, maybe too subtle. I'll probably step it up a bit next time, assuming it stays tasty after bottling.
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    Strange Beer - Mixed Brews

    I've blended beers often, especially Brit bitters, ESB's and IPA's to vary bitterness and sweetness. It gives a surprisingly wide range of flavours. I've also chucked together two bad brews - a too sweet wheat and a too roasty dark - and it produced a beer which was drinkable and way better than...
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    Skunk Fart Ale

    I added 2.5% smoked malt to my "Texas Smoked APA" to get a "Barbeque beer". OG 1060, Chinook bittering (35IBU) and Cascade flavour and aroma, Wyeast 1056. It's only just been racked to secondary and early signs were that it was bit harsh, but it's mellowed quite a bit already. Anyone else done a...
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    Wort Airation

    W1318 has given me grief as well. Agree it's a great tasting yeast though. It's the only one to ever give me a stuck ferment, so I'll never give it any opportunity to stick again. Heavy aeration with this one, and carefully monitoring of the temp to keep it in range, preferably towards its upper...
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    Beer Selection

    Mine were all tried in the UK, and I have to admit going back a few years now. I'm a bit hesitant about trying UK beers out here. As others have said the cost doesn't represent great value, especially if it falls short of expectations and they're generally quite easy to brew a decent example...
  8. B

    Tooheys Old - Clone

    Heard of them, used them a couple of times, but not the Old unfortunately. IMHO they're on a par with Tooheys. It wouldn't surprise me if they come off the same line, even though the labels give different addresses. Both out of NZ. They're passable for what they're intended to deliver.
  9. B

    Beer Selection

    White Shield IPA is a favourite. As is the Old Nick. I've tried the Witches Brew as well, don't remember it that clearly. I'll be interested to hear your opinion on the Marstons. I don't think I've ever heard of the Double Drop. I like their Pedigree though. Not heard of the others, but I'm sure...
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    British Bitter Theory

    Funny old world isn't it? I'm going back the other way and using less Target etc and more Fuggles and Goldings for bittering. I'm a bit like MAH, I tend to have both Fuggles and Goldings together. Nicer balance than just Goldings IMHO.
  11. B

    Should I Boil A Morgans Wheat Alt Extract?

    There should be no need to boil a can of extract, so long as it isn't too old. Just add it to your recipe and make sure it's well mixed.
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    American Amber

    Nice choice of style Colin. My personal preference for American Amber is closer to an English ESB with some classic American characteristics. I'm still playing with recipe, so my grain/malt ingredients have been kept simple while I play with the hops. I just go straight pale malt. I have used 5%...
  13. B

    When To Bottle?

    I'd be inclined to wait a bit longer. High gravity beers can be a bit tricky as they can tend to stop short of expected FG. This one should be able to get close to 1017, so it should still have a way to go. The SG should be stable for 48-72 hours before you bottle, so this one is still...
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    Bitter At Bottling

    For a wheat that's quite bitter. You're up around 35 IBU or so. Most wheats are under 20IBU. It will smooth out in time, but it will always be overbittered. Still, if it's drinkable, drink it! :chug: Edit: Just re-read this post and my figures are based on a 12l batch size, but your post says...
  15. B

    Rather Gassy Beer

    You may want to give this a bit of a read... Primer on Priming The upshot is that at 12C you need to back off your priming sugar by about 1g per litre compared with bottling at 20C. :beer:
  16. B

    Rather Gassy Beer

    Can't help with the yeast, because I've never used it, but when bottling in winter the temperature of the brew at bottling may be an issue. Colder beer retains more CO2 in solution, which can result in a gassy beer after bottling. Any idea of the temp at bottling? It starts to become an issue...
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    Hops: 60, 30 Or Flavour/aroma Only.

    I've been doing a bit of tasting of some of my British style beers over this week and I'm reshaping my thoughts about British hops, and probably hops generally. First, I've noticed - not surprisingly - a huge difference in beers bittered with Fuggles/Goldings etc versus British bitterers like...
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    Why Did You Start Homebrewing?

    I'm definitely a multi box-ticker as well... I needed a cheap form of beer. So long as it's good, cheap is good too. I got a home brew kit for my birthday/xmas/fathers day. The first kit was a gift from a retired brewer. Some of it is still around, but there have been many... too many...
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    Lcpa Thread

    It gets a mention with link in this thread... Amarillo APA hops
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    Grain In Adelaide

    Nah. Too short for Sticks. Did Brett Ratten ever have a mullet? I think we're narrowing it down. Probably a Carlton footballer. Oh how the mighty have fallen. From Toorak palaces and champagne to caravans and shotgun weddings. Ha Ha.