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  1. matho

    Kegging Setups

    with driptray
  2. matho

    Kegging Setups

    the original shelves were solid plastic with about a 1/2 inch gap at the back so I traced around one for the wooden shelf. I have almost finished the drip tray and then I'll give it a go cheers steve
  3. matho

    Kegging Setups

    didn't want to drill a hole in the door so I put the tap on the inside. marine ply with 4 coats of an outdoor varnish. I need to add a drip tray and there is room for a second tap. cheers steve
  4. matho

    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    Malted if you need help loading the code, bonj or me can help, just let me know. About the filter plates, you don't need very small holes if you are using a filter mesh as well, my top plate has slots over 1cm wide, it holds the mesh in place very well. cheers steve
  5. matho

    Arduino Development Thread

    I haven't tried or even looked at the autotune so I don't know about it but the PID beta 6 library looks like a better library to me, the brewtroller uses it for its PID. here is the spreadsheet that I put together to have a play with pids, its not...
  6. matho

    Arduino Development Thread

    I have spent a lot of time playing with the pid library but I just went with the original one and turned it on 5 degs to go which reduces the amount of Ki wind-up but if you look at the PID beta 6 library...
  7. matho

    So What Has Happened To All The People That Used To Go On The Chat

    so AHB will be down for a while, why not come on to the chat in the webchat login box enter your nickname and in the channel box enter #ahb cheers steve
  8. matho

    Matho's controller

    I have a spare PCB that I was putting aside for my own use but you can have it, PM me your details. You will have to source all the parts yourself as I don't have any left. cheers steve
  9. matho

    Matho's controller

    there is 4 digital I/O left (0,1,12,13) and 2 analog pins left (A4, A5), A4 and A5 are the I2C pins so you can use them to expand or just use the extra digital I/O's to do what you want. cheers steve
  10. matho

    Anyone Serving Hot Kegs Through A Plate Chiller?

    are you talking about a Plate chiller or a cold plate just to clarify
  11. matho

    Matho's controller

    Yeah there are 2 different pin outs for the 2n2222a, which is really annoying
  12. matho

    Matho's controller

    Sure you can do that, the unit is set up with a PID window size that is adjustable between 500 and 5000 ms and can be set in the "unit parameters". If the 5 second window is too small then you can change the code here void unit_set (void) { int param[] ={...
  13. matho

    Pre Wired Fridge 2 Channel Fridge Temp Controllers?

    it's funny because they are aware of the approval numbers as they mention it on this Heating pad page good luck to them, it looks well made and safe, just hope some idiot doesn't do anything stupid with it and ends up hurting someone. cheers steve
  14. matho

    Matho's controller

    Hey HSV the connector was mentioned HERE or you could get the ones from modtronix and mount them on the other side. I used a 10K pot but originally designed it for a 5k pot doesn't really matter which one you use both will work. That Arduino you linked is correct. cheers steve
  15. matho

    Pre Wired Fridge 2 Channel Fridge Temp Controllers?

    Your Right mate Approval of electrical articles- department of fair trading I would say its a declarable artical (point 8 page 9) so therefore its againts the law to sell such an item without an approval number on it. personally I'm not too fussed but they should be carefull. cheers steve
  16. matho

    Matho's controller

    Top job there Paul, looks awesome cheers steve
  17. matho

    Matho's controller

    Hey dave, in github if you click on the history button at the top right of the code it will show the history of the changes that have been committed, for each change there is a button on the right that is filled with numbers and letters, click on that and it will show you the changes, the last...
  18. matho

    Matho's controller

    to change the pump and the timing start, it is in the pump rest function void pump_rest (int stage) { if (stage==9){ pumpRest = false; if (Temp_c<94.0) digitalWrite(Pump,HIGH); else digitalWrite(Pump,LOW); if (Temp_c >= 95)tempReached = true; } else{ pumptempError =...
  19. matho

    Matho's controller

    here is the fix for the hop additions CODE I haven't changed the boil temp but I can if there is a demand for it cheers steve
  20. matho

    Matho's controller

    Hey Bigbanko, it was set at 98 because that is the temp I found that gave me a nice rolling boil, I found that the DS18B20 was reading 1.5 degs under my spirit thermometer at boil but was the same temp up until about 80 degs (the datasheet says its accurate up to +80 degs). The hop additions...