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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Danhutch333

    Cleaning The Cube

    Excellent! Thanks for the tips guys. An easy brew day with an equally easy clean up makes for a happy worker. With great beer to boot :D
  2. Danhutch333

    Cleaning The Cube

    I work FIFO between Perth / Karatha and I'm building a basic brew setup for while I'm at work. I'm going to be using a 20L water Can (Willow) and was looking for tips on the easiest way to clean the scunge off the sides, given the opening at the top is so small. Do you just half fill with...
  3. Danhutch333

    Low Og - Kit & Extract

    Have you tried putting your hydrometer in water? Judging by your low initial reading and your low final reading you may have an incorrectly calibrated tool. If it gives you a reading of 990-ish in water then you have your culprit. There's your 10 points of difference which was mentioned...
  4. Danhutch333

    Homebrew Twang

    I had some similar issues. Moving away from the kit yeast helped a lot. US-05 or W34/70 (depending on your style) made a big difference. I'm yet to steep some grains but using malt extract has also had great results for me. :)
  5. Danhutch333

    Introduce Yourself.

    Hi All, Like many others who are relatively new to brewing, I would like to say that this site is a wealth of knowledge. I have learned so many tips and tricks on here which I probably would have had to discover the hard way. I have had a few mistakes a long the way which ended up with 23l of...
  6. Danhutch333

    Top Cropping Yeast (in Pictures)

    What an excellent resource this site is. Posts like this enable a noob like myself to try try things mid-brew which increase my knowledge base ten-fold. Very much appreciated! Hutchy