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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. C

    Coopers Au Pale Ale Stuck In Fermentation?

    Thanx for your quick responses I used the Coopers Australian Pale Ale Kit, that included their "Brew Enhancer 2" @ 23 Liters Also responding to Cozmocracker( "i would recommend reculturing coopers yeast and trying that next time. ") I did re-culture it and it did nothing that is why I used the...
  2. C

    Coopers Au Pale Ale Stuck In Fermentation?

    Hey Folks, I need some of your advice: I have a batch of Coopers Australian Pale Ale (using their kit)that has been in the Coopers fermenter for 2 weeks at 20C and still has the 3 piece airlock bubbling at a rate of once a minute. The original Coopers Yeast that came with the kit was no good...