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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Combating Boil-overs

    Quick and to the point fellas. Ta very much. My kettle is indeed 35L. The burner i have is very hard to regulate. The softest touch...and whoosh!
  2. S

    Combating Boil-overs

    When boiling my 30 litre wort i tend to, almost always, cause a boil-over. Anyone have any remedies? I've read in the How To Brew (Palmer) book that you throw a few copper pennies in. If that's the case should i put a shed-load of pennies in? Thoughts?
  3. S

    Elderflower Flavour In An English Golden Ale

    I'm looking to replicate (or try to) the Badger Golden Ale. I'm a bit stumped as to what form my Elderflower ingredient takes. Any suggestions on it's format and the amount for a 25L batch?
  4. S

    Advice On Wort Cooling

    Thanks for all the advice. The MR Malty contraption looks sooo sweet!
  5. S

    Advice On Wort Cooling

    My extant metod of cooling wort down is to use a wort chiller. I'm considering purchasing a plate chiller to reduce time. Is it a good buy?
  6. S

    Fresh Or Dried Camomile In Wit

    Thanks for the succinct and prompt replies lads. This helps me Sinkas.
  7. S

    Fresh Or Dried Camomile In Wit

    I am about to compile a recipe for a Wit and intend to use Chamomile flowers. Has any one used them, and if so what type (fresh or dried) and what amount. Thanks
  8. S

    Maximum Yeast Attenuation Methods

    Thanks man. You've blined me with science somewhat. This will take a while to digest.
  9. S

    Maximum Yeast Attenuation Methods

    i'm a novice brewer and i'm finding out more and more that yeast attenuation is critical for producing a good drop. I currently use a large plastic soft drinks bottle for my starter. Results are improving already. I would appreciate some advice on the subject.