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  1. W

    Any brew clubs in East Melbourne near Yarra Valley

    I've happened to come across the fact that Yarra Valley Brewers' website link is broken. Anyone know if they're still around? I can't find a current website for them.
  2. W

    VICBREW 2016

    I've gone ahead and put down Glenn as a judge/steward for the Saturday. He wouldn't get off his bum and complete the form, so please excuse me if I didn't put all the right stuff in.
  3. W

    Wort Hogs website updates

    Full results from the 2016 Pale Ale Mania event have now been uploaded to our website. Lock in the date for next year and we'll have more details closer to the time. First Sunday in August.
  4. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    Full results have now been uploaded to our site, and the Pale Ale Mania page has also been updated with our list of this year's sponsors. Hope to see you all again next year - as usual it is expected to be the first Sunday in August.
  5. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    And before you ask, I haven't yet updated the Pale Ale Mania page with this year's information. I will try to get that done tomorrow night.
  6. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    I've scanned all the scoresheets and they're being sent out to all entrants by email tonight. I will sort out the photographs of the day another night. We haven't finished cleaning up the full results for inclusion on the website, but will hopefully have that up tomorrow night. Thank you...
  7. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    Congratulations to the following place getters. Pale Ale Mania 2016 American 1st Alexis Spencer 2nd Pete Imison/Mt Piper 3rd Michael Bowron India 1st Julian Robinson 2nd Dale Messina 3rd Deon Smit English 1st John Killmister 2nd Mark Spies 3rd Jacob Rottman Australian 1st Glenn Le Page 2nd...
  8. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    It's all coming together well, thanks to the support of all the wonderful helpers :) We've nearly finished judging the American category, so hoping to finish up at a reasonable time this afternoon. Results will hopefully be ready tonight.
  9. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    PS, send me a message with your entry details and I can confirm if we definitely received it.
  10. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    Hi Grainer, if you emailed me, I should have contacted you? Please come by between 10-11 this morning and we'd love to give you a role! :) Sarah
  11. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    Thanks Martin, Yes, we always struggle to find enough people to run the event as smoothly as we'd like. We will somehow manage, because we're really proud of our event and want to put on a great show, but it's always a stressful few weeks beforehand trying to tie up the loose ends. Certainly if...
  12. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    Hi Mxd, Keg King is not a drop-off point, someone accepting there would need to have organised to bring them up to us by the Saturday. I believe it's been confirmed that the entry left at Keg King was being passed onto a designated drop-off point. We're happy for places to accept them, but...
  13. W

    Wort Hogs website updates

    Hi all, We've finally uploaded the 2015 Pale Ale Mania recipe book tonight, just in time to start hassling you all for your recipes from next week's event. Please remember that if you place, you will be asked to supply your recipe. I would absolutely love to get the book out to you well within...
  14. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    Anyone else who wants to help out, please email me at [email protected]. We could still do with quite a few more assistants. I will contact people this week to confirm what's happening, but we will be planning to start just after 10 AM.
  15. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    Absolutely - complete your form and put some money in an envelope. Nice and simple. :)
  16. W

    VICBREW 2016

    Not going to get an old dog to learn new tricks now, even if I can prove to them that their neural pathways can make new connections and learn stuff! Resistance is all they are comfortable with. However, I do see the sense in leaving a manual option open. For accessibility's sake, online only...
  17. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    Loads more sponsors have been added, don't forget to put this into your diary!
  18. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    Just reiterating that we're also looking for judges and assistants on the day. We are not a BJCP certified competition, but you can still use it to gain some experience.
  19. W

    Worthogs Pale Ale Mania 2016

    Hi All, Pale Ale Mania is here for the 17th time (first run in 1999) and we need your help. Please enter, come and spectate, help out by judging, or stewarding or other dogsbody work. As you know, we are one of the smaller clubs and don't have a large number of members to tap into, so we...