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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    1st Time Ginger Beer (newbie)

    Ok ill give that a go :)
  2. K

    1st Time Ginger Beer (newbie)

    Ok i know the plant didn't work because i have had it fermenting in bottles for 6 days and no change in pressure :( And i have sterilized everything that has come into contact with the beer so far. I will look into getting a Gravity thingo when i get some more funds As for the first batch ill...
  3. K

    1st Time Ginger Beer (newbie)

    Maybe ill add both the kit ginger and about 100g of fresh?
  4. K

    1st Time Ginger Beer (newbie)

    well i tryed using my plant but it didnt work at all i think the yeast i used was off or somthing. But i took some of your advice and i went out and bought a GB kit from brewcraft and its been bubbeling away for just under a week and its almost time for me to add the ginger flavor satchel and i...
  5. K

    1st Time Ginger Beer (newbie)

    Ahh thank you iv seen carb drops in my local Wool worth's also in the kit i bough it came with a pack of "Copper Tun" sterilizer would this work? I was planning on using this for the 30L barrel, could i then fill each of the bottles with a little of the liquid? Thanks Kaz
  6. K

    1st Time Ginger Beer (newbie)

    Ok well im going to use my 30L tub and ill mix my plant with about 6L of sugar water and then see how that goes :) If it doesn't work ill try the copper kit Oh and one more question What sort of bottles should i use i was thinking of using coke bottles just coz we have a lot of them in the...
  7. K

    1st Time Ginger Beer (newbie)

    Ok cool so it dose work Just wondering once my plant is done how much plant liquid i should add to the sugar water? Whats the Ratio? Also since i spend 30bucks on this brewing kit with the air lock and stuff how would i use it? Instead of going straight from the pant to bottles should i put it...
  8. K

    1st Time Ginger Beer (newbie)

    Hello Everyone Recently I tried some home brew ginger beer and I really enjoyed it. I goggled how to make Ginger beer and I came up with this link Website- And I have pretty much been following all the instructions and my...