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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    Shops In North Sydney

    Yep - heard of Dave's and the reviews and all that - just bit of a trek for me just to buy some plastic bottles - can't believe there isn't anywhere closer.
  2. K

    Shops In North Sydney

    Hi all, I've tried a search for retail shops in North Sydney (there are two that I have found) but I was looking for one a bit nearer Frenchs Forest/Belrose way - there was one in Brookvale but that's closed. I only need some bottles and some yeast right now and would prefer not to have to...
  3. K

    Has It All Gone To Waste

    I think that's why I was excited - got a standard kit on secondary fermentation in bottles (my first attempt) which was pretty standard Munich beer kit with a brew 'enhancer' - I have no idea what that will taste like but it was really only a trial to make sure I knew how to use the equipement...
  4. K

    Has It All Gone To Waste

    Hi all, Brilliant feed back and I can happily report that I took a reading last night and IT's ALIVE...The OG was around 1044 and after 4 days it's reading 1030. :lol: Sounds like slow progress but it seems that is the norm for this type of yeast at this temp. I've put it back into the...
  5. K

    Has It All Gone To Waste

    I stirred it in slowly
  6. K

    Has It All Gone To Waste

    I haven't taken another reading but I've been very watchful of the bubble thing on top (not sure what that's called) and no bubbles at all - not even a slight movement of the water levels changing so I have presumed no fermentation. I can take a reading tonight and see though. As I mentioned -...
  7. K

    Has It All Gone To Waste

    Hi all, On my second brew and I am trying the SafLager 23 yeast. Bbeing new to it all I think I have buggered it up. I sprinled the yeast on top of the froth then put it in the fridge (between 12 and 15 degrees). No action for a couple of days and then I realised I should of stirred the...
  8. K

    Carbo Drops

    Hi all, Thanks for the replies - I'll go for 1 drop and half a teaspoon. As for the type of commercial larger, probably Crown lager is the type of fizzy'ness' I am after. I fancy the bulk method but I don't have a seperate container at the moment but after this lot I'll probably go down that...
  9. K

    Carbo Drops

    Sorry all, I have had a look through some of the discussions before posting - I could find exactly the right answer. First time brew stopped fermenting last night and I am going to take the first reading tonight. The kit I have came with carb drops which I thought was a great idea but did...