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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. N

    Fg Problems

    I knew it wasn't all dextrose but I didn't know it was that much. I'll try another batch with that. Cheers.
  2. N

    Fg Problems

    That what I did try, in this pale ale I have 940 g malt extract (used 60 g to try and culture) and 250 g BE2. Are there any garunteed steps in the brewing or fementing phases that will lower my FG? (temp, boil time, fermetation, finings etc)
  3. N

    Fg Problems

    Unrealous - this is my first time posting (on any forum ever) so its baby steps for me with the formatting. SO far It hasn't affected the taste in any of my brews but I was told by my LHBS that i should be getting below 1010. Thanks for the welcome as well. bcp - I'm not mashing (yet) just...
  4. N

    Fg Problems

    Hi guys, I am currently using a thermostat but am having problems getting my FG down. This is a problem across both largers and ales and I cannot work out what I am doing wrong. I currently have a pale ale using good yeast at 22*c and it has been sitting at 1016 for the past few days. Same...