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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. shark

    Record Keeping

    Hi Everyone, Being new to the home brew scene I am looking at ways to easily keep records of my brews & procedures etc. What does everyone here use? I notice there is some software available that logs info for you. Like the one below. Does anyone have a good microsoft word or excel template...
  2. shark

    2nd Brew Plan

    So now I am thinking: Morgans Canadian Light or Coopers Canadian Blonde (which ever the HB shop has) Dextrose 500 g Dried malt extract 500 g Safale s-04 10g Tettnang Hops Infused for 10 mins and added at the start.
  3. shark

    2nd Brew Plan

    Hi JaffaMan, Morgans make a "Canadian Light", think its just the name not the alcohol content. Described as "Very pale and very lightly hopped, great summer quaffing beer. Colour 3.8 ebc, bitterness 16 IBU" I also know that Coopers make a Canadian Blonde which I assume is very similar...
  4. shark

    2nd Brew Plan

    Hi Everyone. Well last night I bottled my 1st brew. ESB Australian Draught. SG 1040 FG 1010. 2 weeks total with Safale s-04. Had constant 1010 readings for the past 5 days at around 17C. Now working on putting together my next brew. Morgans Canadian Light Dextrose 500 g Light dried malt...
  5. shark

    Need Help

    On this note. What should the top of the wort look like when fermentation is complete??? Should it have no foam or chunks or top? Or should it still be foamy???? Thanks
  6. shark

    Temp Too Low? Safale S-04

    Had some time on my hands so took another gravity reading today 1010 and still happy around the 18C mark. First taste out of the hydrometer tube seemed nice, second taste I think was rather bitter.
  7. shark

    Temp Too Low? Safale S-04

    Thanks for the hints everyone. Well its been 8 days brewing now. The temp is now around the 18-20C mark and seems pretty stable. Fermenter is still bubbling away slowly.
  8. shark

    Temp Too Low? Safale S-04

    Thanks for the article on "keeping it warm". Being new (and overly excited) to home brewing I got a bit excited and took a hydrometer reading today. Came in at 1012 on day 6. Had a taste and its starting to taste a smell alot more like beer! :beerbang: Still tastes a bit odd... Air lock...
  9. shark

    Temp Too Low? Safale S-04

    Will be waiting a while longer still. Min of 2 weeks before I start testing. Well even with the blankets and the sleeping bag I think I am still only getting about 16C Think I will have to start using hot water bottles to try and increase the temp until I can get a heat pad.
  10. shark

    Temp Too Low? Safale S-04

    Thanks to everyone for their advice. Last night I wrapped the fermenter in a jumper, 2 blankets and a sleeping bag over the top. Temp seems to be going up to around 18C. Today is DAY 5 so might take a hydro reading this afternoon to make sure everything is going well. Initial reading was...
  11. shark

    Temp Too Low? Safale S-04

    Hi Everyone, I am brewing my first ever batch of home brew. Using ESB Australian Draught with Safale s-04. Yeast was pitched at 22C 3 days ago. The temp has dropped to around 16C. Hard to read those temp gauges because both 14, 16 and 18 light up on the strip. The airlock is still bubbling...
  12. shark

    Temp Range

    Thanks everyone for your help. Does the temp of wort hover much above the ambient temp? I think I will look for an old non-working fridge or just stick to the esky on its side. That way I can open it during the day and close it at night during the cooler days. Summer will be alot harder...
  13. shark

    Temp Range

    Hi Everyone, I am new here. Doing some research on home brew kits and will be buying one asap. Looking at somewhere to put the kit in my garage. I have been taking temp readings and have found that in the garage the temp during the day is 18 degrees and during the night it is around 13...