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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. shark

    Fresh Wort Kit

    Just put down a berwers choice porter. Looks and smells awesome and the 15 litre cube will be handy. If this tastes the goods then I am buying my BIAB equipment straight away
  2. shark

    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Golden Ale

    Thanks for that Doc
  3. shark

    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Golden Ale

    Might have already been answered..... but will it make much difference using Joe White grains instead of Weyermann grains? Thanks Ben
  4. shark

    18 Litre Pot - Biab Possible?

    Thanks guys. Been a great help. RdeVjun... Perfect.... Exactly what I was looking for.. Thanks heaps. Will keep you all updated. Now burner shopping :)
  5. shark

    18 Litre Pot - Biab Possible?

    Hi Everyone, I have tried searching cant find the answer (I am sure its on here somewhere... but I cant seem to find it). I have come across an 18 litre stock pot. Is it possible to do a BIAB with the 18L? I thought I remember reading that you can do it using say 10 litres and then top up to...
  6. shark

    Pot Prices

    Hi Guys, Looking for a pot so I can get started on AG brewing. Well probably more like BIAB brewing to start with. Where is the cheapest place to find them? The local HB sells 45 litres for $120. But I was hoping to source a cheaper one? Or this on the money? Thanks Ben
  7. shark

    Which Starter Kit?

    100% sure its a bench capper because I bought that exact kit. $50 normally for bench capper and $35 for ESB kits I think
  8. shark

    Which Starter Kit?

    Hi, I am new to home brewing too (2nd batch). I found the following place great! Really helped me! Highly recommend: St Marys Shop 7, Rear 40 Phillip St, St Marys, NSW 2760 Ph: (02) 9833-0555 Faulconbridge, Blue Mountains Shop 2, 7 - 9 St Georges Cr...
  9. shark

    So This Is My First Brewing Attempt...

    Hi anon, I also had my first tasting night of my first brew the other night. Pretty much noticed all the same signs that you did. Good head, good bubbles, etc. It was an ESB Australian Draught which I found to be rather bitter. Might get better with time. Now I have a Morgans Canadian Light...
  10. shark

    Js Porter/stout Help

    Thanks guys, just found out that my local HBS will crack the grains free of charge. Thanks for all the help Ben
  11. shark

    Js Porter/stout Help

    Thanks for the info guys. Clears things up a bit. How much Light DME would you recommend for this kit? 1kg? Can I use a mortar & pesal to crack the grains? Or is there another way that people do it at home????? Without having to buy a machine?
  12. shark

    Js Porter/stout Help

    Hi Everyone, Well up to my 3rd brew now and after tasting the james squire porter I wouldn't mind having a crack at something similar. After searching the forums for most of the day I have decided on: Cascade Chocolate Mahogany Porter Kit 250g Chocolate Grain (steeped) 20g Fuggle Hops...
  13. shark

    Where Does Everyone Get Their Beer Glasses From?

    Hi All, Silly question..... but after reading through the "whats in the glass" threads I have noticed that everyone seems to have a damn nice collection of beer glasses. Just wondering where everyone gets these nice glasses from? Do Dan Murphys do specials on them? Free with a six pack? Or...
  14. shark

    Kit And Extract Beer Spreadsheet

    Great little spreadsheet. Have been playing with it day at work. TOP EFFORT THANKS!
  15. shark

    My Lhbs "famous Styke Recipes"

    My LHBS recommends: Corona: Brewcraft Mexican Cereza 500g DME 500g Dextrose Dry Enzyme Crown Lager Morgans Blue Mountains Lager 500g DME 250g Dex 250g maltodextrin Hallertau Hops
  16. shark

    Steep Hops

    Thanks guys, clears things up for me,. Ben
  17. shark

    Steep Hops

    Hi Everyone, Have looked everywhere but cant find a definite answer. Yesterday I put down a K&K with 15grams of Cascade Hops in boiling water for 10 mins. I then strained the liquid into the fermenter. Some places I see mention to strain this liquid and others say just dump it straight in...
  18. shark

    2nd Brew Plan

    I was trying to figure out if $6 was worth it for the safale s-04 or would it be the same if I just went the $2.50 Morgans Yeast or even the stock yeast that came with the kit???
  19. shark

    2nd Brew Plan

    Have just finished mixing up the batch. Morgans Canadian Light 1.7kg Dextrose 500 g Dried malt extract 500 g Safale s-04 15g Cascade Hops infused in boiling water for 10 mins and strained into the fermenter. Had to get cascade because they were out 100g packets of tettnang and Hallertau hops...
  20. shark

    2nd Brew Plan

    Thanks everyone, Going to the HBS today and getting supplies. Hopefully put a brew on this afternoon. Ben