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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. W

    Ipa Suggestions/ideas?

    I am also pretty new to brewing and would like to brew a nice IPA ,after tasting James Squires IPA I was hooked ,this is what i want to brew next. Coopers IPA kit 1kg Light dry malt 300g dextrose fuggles hops ?? safale s-04 yeast. The reason why im not sure about the fuggles hops is in most...
  2. W

    Getting Started

    g day everyone ,ive been reading all i can and am leaning alot from everyone on here that know there brewing,but i have 1 question .I live in sunny Qld and dont have the problem some of the other people have with their brews getting too cold ,my problem is how do i keep the temp down to 18C for...