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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. SeeFar

    Giving Away INKBIRD IBT-6X with 6 Probes Right Now!

    Yes please - just getting into full-grain brewing as I have my first born on the way. This would be helpful for both baby's milk and brewing and would definitely assist in making both pursuits more affordable! Nice thing to do, thanks.
  2. SeeFar

    What's with the PC ********?

    Hahah, yep, so you know more about the terror threat than the Director Generral of ASIO who also happens to be a former commander in the SAS. You just magically know stuff that he doesn't. Or, he's being careful with the facts just for ***** and giggles and you know how things really should be...
  3. SeeFar

    The True/er/est/ish History of the Indian PAle Ale

    Agreed, evidence is king. The legend that I'm questioning is the one that I've heard ad nauseam that this beer was brewed specifically to last the voyage to India by way of heavy alco and heavy hop. From what I've been reading that is not the case. Yes it was popular in India but that is all...
  4. SeeFar

    The True/er/est/ish History of the Indian PAle Ale

    So in another thread about something totally unrelated the discussion arose about the history/myth that the IPA was developed in London as a beer to last the long voyage by sea supported against infection by high alcohol and hop content. This seems to be the orthodox understanding of the...
  5. SeeFar

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Picking up tomorrow. I married the right girl.
  6. SeeFar

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    I'm just trying to think of what I can sell to justify the purchase. Dual mortgages and a child pending make for interesting challenges when it comes to expensive hobbies.
  7. SeeFar

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Ha! I was just coming in here to post the same thing. Might have to do some sweet talking with the wife tonight....
  8. SeeFar

    Chilli cumin lamb on my new kebab rottiserie

    Wow, not overly expensive at all.
  9. SeeFar

    What's with the PC ********?

    We don't have Muslim terrorists? Has anyone told the AFP and ASIO this? I'm sure they'll be relieved to hear it.
  10. SeeFar

    What's with the PC ********?

    Merry go **** yourself and a happy new year.
  11. SeeFar

    Using wheat as a specialty grain in a pale ale

    @mantickle yep, the top part that’s not immersed in cool water has been covered in wet towels for 36 hours now. I have some ice in the freezer, which will rotate through to keep the temp down once I pitch the yeast. @RobinW Agreed but this batch is particularly stubborn!
  12. SeeFar

    Do you have a beard? (poll)

    I look like my father when I beard up. So I don't often beard up....
  13. SeeFar

    Using wheat as a specialty grain in a pale ale

    Thanks, the crud ended up eventually settling below the tap so I was able to get a clear reading (the sediment in the first tube only varied the reading by about 1 point in the end). But my problem now is different. This wort just won't cool enough for me to pitch the yeast. It has been 36...
  14. SeeFar

    Chilli cumin lamb on my new kebab rottiserie

    Yeah, that is by far the best chuanr bbq I've ever seen. Wildly jealous!