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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    Racking Help!?

    So just got a new FV and was had a few questions, I currently have a pilsner thats been in the primary for 18 days, (Yeast is S23) fermented at 12.5 degrees The last 3 days its been doing a diacetyl rest at 15.5 (this is the first time iv "lagered") I want to rack into my new secondary...
  2. P

    White Wine Flavour

    Its been in a temp controlled fridge at 12.5 degrees celsius for 2 weeks, is that not correct temp for S23 yeast? I know i pitched too high but took it straight down to 12.5 in about 8 hours
  3. P

    White Wine Flavour

    Hey all, Iv had a Coopers Pilsner in the FV for 2 weeks now, 700 LDM, 500g Dex, 10g saaz at 15min I pitched S23 @ 27 deg (way way way too hot i know, the wort wasnt cool enough when i filled to 23L wont make that mistake again) Its been fermenting at 12.5 degrees for 2 weeks now and i just...
  4. P

    Commercial Examples A Particular Hop

    Has no one come across Brewdog's 'IPA is dead' range? they have four out that are single hopped IPA's Nelson Sauvin Sorachi Ace (the only one iv tried and is awesome, tastes like peaches) Citra Bramling Cross BrewDog BrewSheet ABV: 7.5% OG...
  5. P

    Help Me Educate My Palate

    Has no one come across Brewdog's 'IPA is dead' range? they have four out that are single hopped IPA's Nelson Sauvin Sorachi Ace (the only one iv tried and is awesome, tastes like peaches) Citra Bramling Cross I know you can get a 4 pack that has one of each which i will pick up from...
  6. P

    Cold Conditioning Before Bottling

    Oh yeah i forgot to add i was going to raise it up to 14 - 15 degrees and was going to ask how long i should do that for? And do i do that once it has reached steady FG or just just before?
  7. P

    Cold Conditioning Before Bottling

    hey all i have a TC pilsener kit fermenting at the moment 700g light dry malt 500g dextrose 10g saaz @ 15 min S23 yeast Its been fermenting at 13 degrees for a few days now and ill leave it at that for a few weeks but just wondering when fermentation is finished, is there any benefit of...
  8. P

    Dry Hopping While Cc

    Oh ok well might give the saaz a miss then thanks for the heads up, i did boil 15g saaz for 15 minutes perhaps i could dry hop with something else? Hallertau or Tettnang or Hersbrucker maybe? or should i steer clear of dry hopping a pilsener? Am still a newbie to homebrewing so any advice on...
  9. P

    Dry Hopping While Cc

    Ok so i might just throw them in 3 days before CC cheers mate
  10. P

    Dry Hopping While Cc

    Hey iv just put down a pilsener with S23 and am going to CC it for 2 days once fermentation is complete, this will be my first time cold conditioning and am just wondering if when dry hopping i should throw it in 3 days before cold conditioning or 1 day before so that its in there for 3 days...
  11. P

    S23 Pitched Too High?

    I just put down a Thomas Coopers Pilsener kit and when i had finished filling up to 22L my temp was at 27 degrees, i have read/heard that it is more risky to wait till temp drops so i pitched a packet of Saflager S23 at 27 degrees. I put it straight in my temp controlled fridge and set it for...
  12. P

    Recipe Suggestions Please!

    Yeah i use kits im only on my 4th brew i want to venture into steeping grains and extracts as soon as i get the hop scheduling/boiling downpat iv done a few and had good results, so any recipes using kits and hop additions would be greatly appreciated
  13. P

    Recipe Suggestions Please!

    Iv finally got my stc-1000 up and running with my brewing fridge and want to put something down on the weekend using a lager yeast (saflager etc..) and can cold condition, Was just wondering what if you guys had some reccomended recipes i was thinking along the lines of pilsners/lagers/cervezas...
  14. P

    Just Finished First Batch, What Next

    How much water you boil is up to you, when doing a boil you want the gravity to be 1040, using around 100g per litre of water should get you pretty close to this so for a 5L boil add 500g. Steeping is adding the hops as soon as it has been taken of the boil. Dry Hopping 72 hours after...
  15. P

    Just Finished First Batch, What Next

    Welcome tehac, congrats on putting your first brew down, I only really use the coopers cans myself, but it which one to go with really depends on your preferences, If you like Pale ale's a good one would be to try the Australian Pale Ale can and a packet of Brew enhancer 2. I tend to shy away...