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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. onrbikes

    Early bottling?

    Have had an issue where my cider hasn't completely fermented out and now sits on 1.018. Am in the situation were I won't be at home for 4 weeks and am considering leaving, it or bottling it. If I leave it for 4 weeks and bottle it will it have an odd taste, or should I bottle it. Initially...
  2. onrbikes

    sugar vs juice for priming

    I see some of you use juice to prime and even bulk prime. If the results are better am all for it. Am trying to figure how much is right. If 1.5 tspn of sugar equals 100 kilojoule and 1 cup of apple juice equals 120cal and 1 cal = .2kilojoule then I'd need about 3 cups juice to prime 22litres...
  3. onrbikes

    Pineapple cider?

    Seeing pineapple juice is pretty cheap am considering having a go at making some cider out of it. I've seen a few attempts on line so how hard could it be. Am thinking of using a malt with some yeast nutrient. Not sure about adding hops though. My other fruit ciders seem to be hitting the spot...
  4. onrbikes

    1st attempt at Ginger beer (my recipe)

    I too made a coopers ginger beer but after letting it sit for a whopping 9 months, is too die for. A long time to just look at 20litres warm water 1 cooper ginger beer kit 1kg dextrose 1cup packed brown sugar 3 litres pineapple juice I steeped these ingredients and added it to the mix 30g...
  5. onrbikes

    Pear Cider recipe

    My apologies for opening that bottle of "Cider". I too thought it sweet and maybe assumed mine wasn't up to standard, even though friends say its good. Mine that is. I also see is that Rekorderlig is owned by the monster that is Coca Crap. So anyways. Are there any spices to use in my next...
  6. onrbikes

    Pear Cider recipe

    I've experimented heaps with ginger beers and apple ciders and want to make my next pear cider different. Its a Mangrove Jacks which I've used before and found it a bit bland. Some of the better bought ones (Rekordlig ) have a right fruity flavour I assume comes from adding an essence. Any...