Recent content by Novacastrian

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Novacastrian

    Bloody Disaster!

    I find the non use of beer in those cartoons offensive. Shoot Gillard FTW. Steep choc malt until sinks.
  2. Novacastrian

    'battle Of The Toucans'

    Hey guys, this one should give you a laugh. I decided to make a Toucan for my father for christmas and went with the Goats Scrotum style, the old boy likes liquorice and Ginger! Ingredients- 1x can Coopers Stout 1x can Coopers Dark Ale 1kg Coopers #2 70grams Honey Let that Krausen it's head...
  3. Novacastrian

    Crash Chilling Fail

    Good good, if it worked for you then i still have hope!
  4. Novacastrian

    Crash Chilling Fail

    Okie dokie, thanks for the link mate. It said that if the beer freezes completly that around 20% of the active yeast will remain active. It didn't freeze all the way through so i am guessing that more than 40% of the yeast will still be alright. I won't add anymore yeast and will bottle as...
  5. Novacastrian

    Crash Chilling Fail

    Hey guys i am pretty new to brewing and need some advice in regards to a lager that i recently brewed. It is a Coopers kit that called for the use of 1kg of sugar, so being me i used .5 kg of dex and .5 kg of light dry malt instead. Anyway the ferment went good and last night i put the carboy...
  6. Novacastrian

    Move To All Grain For Thirty Bucks

    Thanks for this article mate, i am new to brewing and wanted something simple like this to start me off with AG. Btw Hello Tony :)