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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. N

    Ideal Temp For Fermenting

    I brewed my first batch at 24-25C because I thought that was perfect (per the Coopers instructions). It really isn't. Beer definately had a fruity taste to it and did give some headaches. This time I kept it at 18-20. But, as you might see in my thread, fermentation is fading out after just 3...
  2. N

    Coopers Irish Stout

    The weirdness continues. Its been 3 days and I'm noticing a distinct lack of airlock activity (haven't seen much of it at all tbh). Been 3 days. Took a hydrometer reading at its at 1011! I've kept it at 18-20C the whole time. Really confused about it. I was expecting it to take at least a week...
  3. N

    Coopers Irish Stout

    Well I got this kit and made it today. I'll tell the story as I'm sure people will get a laugh out of it. Reading around and feeling pretty confident on how my last brew went (although the brewing sugar made it taste nasty) I was really keen to move up a step. For this brew I decided I would...
  4. N

    Coopers Irish Stout

    I'm onto my second batch now. First batch was the usual Coopers Lager. Its maturing into a better drink, the cider flavours appear to be mellowing out and its becoming a semi-decent drink. It's pretty clear (just some chill haze), nice head formation and retention, and its well carbonated -...
  5. N

    Taking Sample For Hydrometer

    My brew is bottled. Hopefully the conditioning will lose the cider smell/taste (one can dream). As I said above I really want to move away from the sugar adjuncts for next time. I'd like to brew a stout or something darker. Was looking at a package for Coopers Irish Stout - comes with 500g...
  6. N

    A Question About Taking Samples...

    I just found some large books and carefully built a stack for my fermenter to stick on so I could use the tap. For more stability you could use a milk crate, breezeblocks, bricks, etc.
  7. N

    Taking Sample For Hydrometer

    Just took a reading thanks to the advice here. Came out to 1010 on the hydrometer - definately noticed how much air bubbles on the hydrometer affects the reading, it started at 1020 before I span it. OG was 1040. Looks very watery and smells like cider. Definatley a bit more watery than the...
  8. N

    Taking Sample For Hydrometer

    Thanks guys. Thats what I'll do. My first brew looks like its done - 2 days at ~25 degrees and 3 days at 20 (corrected once I read this site!). I'll take some readings tonight and tomorrow. I have so many questions about homebrewing now I've started :)
  9. N

    Taking Sample For Hydrometer

    Seems like such a stupid question but I haven't seen anything that mentions it. When taking a sample for you hydrometer how do you protect/preserve your sanitized fermenter? Do you cover the airlock? Remove it? Leave it in? I have the coopers kit so the fermenter has a tap on it. Obviously...
  10. N

    Bubbling Monster Of Doom

    I'm in the same position as Halper. Got a Coopers Kit for Xmas and scouted out a location based on their instructions. Had it in a closet for 2 days keeping a solid 24 degrees which I thought was perfect based on the instructions. Came looking for threads about the kit and found this - pretty...