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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Equipment For Sale Full 3 vessel system for sale in Central Coast

    Hey folks, just bumping this up as I still haven't sold it.
  2. M

    Equipment For Sale Full 3 vessel system for sale in Central Coast

    Updating to say I can deliver to Sydney and Newcastle! There's also some "lab" equipment that I forgot about. All the glassware, those magnet agitators for yeast starter, etc
  3. M

    Equipment For Sale Full 3 vessel system for sale in Central Coast

    Posting from my phone so having a hard time attaching photos. It's a fully functional 3 vessel system (50+50+70L), RIMS, Auto Sparger, 3 pumps (one with visor), two temperature probes/controller and one voltage controller. The brewing bench is also a stainless steel fridge. On the fermenting...
  4. M

    hydrometer vs refractometer

    Both hydrometer and refractometer measures 1.000 at water. The reason for the range is because I don't remember what I measured and I didn't write it down 😬 But definitely the issue was with correction for OG. My OG measure was out of boil, so definitely wasn't at the right temperature.
  5. M

    hydrometer vs refractometer

    Well, it was expected to finish at 1.003, so perhaps it could go below. Either way, should be fine to cold crash, right?
  6. M

    hydrometer vs refractometer

    Ok, so if my original 1.055 is actually correct, then my final 1.010-1.015 is definitely wrong, otherwise i'd be well bellow 1.000 hahhaha Even if it was actually 1.025 (the 6 Brix that I measured on the refractometer) and I accidentally read it wrong in the hydrometer, it'd at 1.005 territory...
  7. M

    hydrometer vs refractometer

    Hey guys, feeling pretty dumb here that I can't read my instruments correctly. hah Post boil my refractometer reading was ~13 to 14 = 1.055. Today, after couple weeks fermenting, it read a bit above 6 Brix. Using the calculator in brewers friend, it said that the 6 brix (which would be about...
  8. M

    Brewha BIAC

    Has anyone ever ended up purchasing a BIAC system in Australia? If I could get my hands on one of these, I'd sell my 3V and hop onto the simplicity train. Cheers
  9. M

    Black hops Neverland grapefruit double ipa clone

    I plan on pressure fermenting until sounding valve stops increasing when I purge a bit (i.e. until fermentation ends). I'd then open the fermenter and drop a hop sock with all the hops in. Close it up and purge with CO2 several times to ensure w/e O2 dilution happened, it's not there any more...
  10. M

    Black hops Neverland grapefruit double ipa clone

    Ok, so I'm taking from this answer that this recipe is likely drinkable
  11. M

    Black hops Neverland grapefruit double ipa clone

    I actually just found this Does it make sense? 285g dry hop 😱
  12. M

    Black hops Neverland grapefruit double ipa clone

    Hey everyone, Any chance one of you got a clone recipe for this beer? Thanks a bunch,
  13. M

    Coagulating(?) Beer

    I increased temperature from 12 to 18 for nearly a week and finally stopped seeing pressure increasing (fermentation finished). Took a sample and was 1.02 in the refractometer and 1.011 in the floaty thingy.. so definitely done. Cold crashed for 3 days at -1 (beer lowest point was 0.9) and now...