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  1. long distance beer drinker

    water volume question?

    Thanks for that, 34 and 36 sounds more like it should be, I think I need to look at my settings in beersmith a bit
  2. long distance beer drinker

    water volume question?

    Grain amount was 10.4 kg
  3. long distance beer drinker

    water volume question?

    Yep fly sparging, doing a 46 liter brew, beersmith says put 28 liters in mash and 34 liters in sparge,
  4. long distance beer drinker

    water volume question?

    so when i sparge i like to take a reading of whats coming out of the mash tun and i stop it when it reaches zero gravity(i do this to stop the tannin flavors, at least thats what i understand i should be doing) which always leaves me a bit short on the wort volume, however it has a higher...
  5. long distance beer drinker

    How to get a creamier porter

    Hey doooods, so I've made a few porters and I wouldn't mind trying to make it a bit creamier but I'm not sure how, is it a yeast thing or grain? I was drinking the James squire porter on tap the other night and it's just got a great creamy taste happening , compared to the porters I've made.
  6. long distance beer drinker


    hey guys does anybody on here ever do krausening?
  7. long distance beer drinker

    She's Gona blow captn

    I sanatized the shit out of everything with boiling water and powder, I hope it's ok
  8. long distance beer drinker

    She's Gona blow captn

    Yep lid with airlock , it's filling up the lid cavity to
  9. long distance beer drinker

    She's Gona blow captn

    Or more like she's blown captn. I didn't leave enough head room in my fermenter for a weizen yeast (face palm) any recommendations on clean up? Should I let it finish foaming? What's the chances of infection? It's inside a fridge that's not on at the moment.
  10. long distance beer drinker

    Busted thermostat

    Sounds good thanks doods
  11. long distance beer drinker

    Busted thermostat

    Will do, should I use a heating pad? Does yeast die of if it gets to cold?
  12. long distance beer drinker

    Busted thermostat

    So I did a brew 5 days ago and just plonked the fermenter in the fridge with my cheap Chinese thermostat connected to it and I go and check it today and the fridge has just been on the whole time aghhhh, Has anyone had this happen and the beer still came out alright?? I used us05 on a pretty...
  13. long distance beer drinker

    checking gravity during fly sparge?

    thanks guys, that makes things a bit clearer, so i just put the remaining liquid back into the kettle as clean water and then start the boil. seems simple enough!
  14. long distance beer drinker

    checking gravity during fly sparge?

    i recently had a discussion with about checking the gravity of the wort as it comes out of the mash tun while sparging, the idea is to stop the sparge when the liquid hits about 1.005 because after that there's no more sugar left in the grain and then tannin's get introduced, sounded good to me...