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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Liberate88

    First All Grain Ale Attempt. Low Og Reading?

    Hey I like the glad wrap idea, I might try that next time if I cant get my hands on a wort chiller of some description. I don't know how the gravity reading could have changed that much in a day, weird brew this one lol
  2. Liberate88

    First All Grain Ale Attempt. Low Og Reading?

    Goatherder, I understand where you are coming from. I knew it was a bad idea pitching yeast at that temp. I don't have one of those cooling instruments that I see people using >< I really must buy one asap or I will risk contamination. It was 4 in the morning and my own impatience got the better...
  3. Liberate88

    First All Grain Ale Attempt. Low Og Reading?

    This was a basic recipe a guy in the homebrew shop set me up with. I did think it might have been missing something... I have heard of people putting some more malt extract in to fix the issue but I am so scared of risking infection by re-opening. I just did another hydrometer reading, its at...
  4. Liberate88

    Ginger Beer With Bite

    I made a ginger beer a while ago, I added a whole grated ginger root to the kit. I just had one tonight, its so gingery you can feel it 10 minutes after a glass. Though a very refreshing drink on a warm summers day... good luck!
  5. Liberate88

    First All Grain Ale Attempt. Low Og Reading?

    Hello people, I've recently got back into homebrewing after a trip to England. I was so taken back by the ales that I'd tried I was inspired to give home brewing another go. I've done partial grain and extract brews in the past and they all came out strong (around 5 - 7.5% alcohol content) but...
  6. Liberate88

    Employment In The Brewing Industry

    wow good amount of response there. good suggestions... I think I will go door knocking actually. getting my foot in the door early couldn't do me any harm. I do intend on doing the Ballarat grad certificate and diploma courses also hearing that some companies directly hire out of the course is...
  7. Liberate88

    Employment In The Brewing Industry

    I was wondering if anyone on the forums would have any knowledge of as to how I could find work in brewing or at least in a brewery. I have recently completed year 12 and obviously (being on this forum) I do my own homebrew but I would very much like to take it on as a career in the future. I...
  8. Liberate88

    Fruits In Beers

    yeah I thought most berries would go well but I mean how do you do it? Just cut it up and stir it up in the boiling wort, or do you need to crush the fruit first? sorry I dont know much.
  9. Liberate88

    Fruits In Beers

    I have mainly been doing kits and following recipes but I'm going to start making my own recipes and I'm trying to experiment a bit. I am hearing a lot about using fruits, berries ect in beers but how is this done? I'm hoping to make a sort of red coloured ale, not as bitter as an english bitter...
  10. Liberate88

    Contamination Question

    hey thanks for all your help guys, putting some sort of steriliser in the airlock could be handy just incase, hopefully I'll learn a lesson from it now and hopefully get a away with it :) I'm sure my mates who rate any beer (even stouts) on how good it tastes compared to corona wouldn't...
  11. Liberate88

    Contamination Question

    hi I'm new to here so i dunno if I'm posting in the correct section. It seems I forgot to loosen off the top of my fermenter (to relieve the air pressure) and I left the airlock in while filling my bottles. After I finished bottling I noticed that most of the water had gone from the airlock and...