Recent content by JimInCollie

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    iSpindel Question

    I have three (3) iSpindels, use them all the time, and I am delighted with them, but I now have a challenge that I am hoping one of you can help me with. I use Brewfather as my software which, among other things, receives the iSpindel reports. I have two brews on the go at the moment and...
  2. J

    Co2 Leaking - Had Enough

    That's what I do. I naturally carbonate my kegs and let them condition at room temperature for 4-6 weeks (they get up to 25-35 psi). Then I put them in my keezer for 2-3 days, not connected to gas or beer-line. The pressure drops to 12-15 psi @ 2-3 DegC. I then hook the keg up to CO2 at...
  3. J

    Ag Brewing For Dummies

    I agree with Bribie G on the weights and measures point. Only three (3) countried in the world still have the imperial system as their official weights and measures system: Libya, Mianmar (formerly Burma), and, of course, the USA. The sad thing is that with a population of 300,000,000 there are...