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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    Hibiscus Ale

    As Raven has said, I was surprised to win a few awards with a hibiscus wit recently - second place at SABSOSA and first place at AABC in the speciality section. I was concerned about losing too many of the aromatics and colour adding the hibiscus to the boil, so instead made a tea using the...
  2. J

    Kitchen Aid Mixers

    thanks bum, i didnt even think of checking amazon. every time i have tried to purchase larger items from them they always whinge about not being able to ship to oz - not so with some of the kitchen aid attachments though. one (very cheap) ice-cream attachment on its way) :D cheers jon
  3. J

    Kitchen Aid Mixers

    Yes, bought one for the wife recently and would love some of the attachments but they are a bit of a knee to the groin after the initial cost outlay of the mixer. i reckon you would have to go through someone like priceusa though, as i very much doubt the US store would ship to australia.
  4. J

    Kitchen Aid Mixers

    Feldon, Have you purchased any accessories through the USA website? How was your experience? Cheers Jon
  5. J

    Removing Black Japan

    you will need something a little more industrial if you want to get it done with minimal frustration and effort (although it is far from the easiest of jobs). the only way you will remove it is by sanding the affected layer off the boards ... i hired a drum sander and edger from a local floor...
  6. J

    What's In Your Herb / Vege Garden?

    From the yates garden guide (41st edition) "They are ready to pick when the silks have turned brown and cobs stand out at about a 30 degree angle. Make a further check by pulling open the husk from the top and pressing the grains witha thumb nail. If grain is soft and exudes juice with a creamy...
  7. J

    Pliny The Elder

    must be the season for DIPAs ... i brewed my pliny clone on sunday. apart from the expected losses due to the amount of hops, there wasn't anything out of the ordinary to note (so far) when researching PTE, i found a lot of interesting information at the mad fermentationist, particularly this...
  8. J

    Wyeast Smack Pack, Longest Time To Swell

    DrS, I have this book on order: Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation I will let you know when it arrives if you would like to borrow it. Cheers Jon
  9. J

    2010 Adelaide and Mildura Xmas Case Swap

    mate, if i get time off for good behavior i will bring some other veg-o friendly offerings. we can sit in the corner together eating our gruel and looking pale ... :rolleyes:
  10. J

    Stammtisch Challange

    unfortunately i reckon the timing will get the better of me on this one. not enough hours in the day in the lead-up to christmas ... hopefully make the next one. cheers jon
  11. J

    Mashmate Replacement Sensor

    maybe not such a simple question.... anyway, i have decided to order an extra ntc sensor when i order another temperature controller from ebay and hopefully the two are compatible ebay digital temp controller cheers jon
  12. J

    Mashmate Replacement Sensor

    Morning All, Hopefully a simple query for those not technically challenged such as myself ... I am looking for a replacement NTC sensor for the MashMate I am using to monitor temps on my Mash Tun. I was hoping to provide a second use for this unit by having a second probe attached to...
  13. J

    Stammtisch Challange

    timing dependent, i reckon i could be in this one also. i would really appreciate a slant/sample of the 1084 yeast as it is not one I would use regularly.
  14. J

    2010 Adelaide and Mildura Xmas Case Swap

    added myself to the attending but not swapping list, however it really will be a last minute decision. unfortunately november/december are a really cr@p time of the year for me to be pre-arranging any social enagagements ... which is a pity as Marleston is only short cab ride from home :(...
  15. J

    Lactobacillus From Sourdough

    how did your ESB that you made for the Beerbelly comp end up? did you save any of the bottles for any length of time? iirc your entry we tasted that day had something a little odd (sour?) going on, and that would have been brewed back in april, before the indoor brewing began.