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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    Anyone Used These Bottles ?

    Thanks for the replies. I'm going to take a punt and get a couple. I'll let you know how I go. Cheers.
  2. J

    Anyone Used These Bottles ?

    Hi. Noticed these bottles at IKEA the other day. Pretty good value (if they work that is). Has anyone had any experience with them? Cheers.
  3. J

    Question About Bottling With Sugar Tablets And Strange Taste.

    Thanks for the info. The only downside to this homebrew caper is that you can't buy patience..... Cheers.
  4. J

    Question About Bottling With Sugar Tablets And Strange Taste.

    It just tastes like the beer is over sweetened. It was actually much better while it was in the fermenter. It is quite a strong sweetness too. Not all that enjoyable. In fact I just opened another one and the beer has an almost honey aroma to it. I think I can put it down to the coopers sugar...
  5. J

    Question About Bottling With Sugar Tablets And Strange Taste.

    Yeah, washed and sterilized. Can the sugar affect the taste ?
  6. J

    Question About Bottling With Sugar Tablets And Strange Taste.

    Hey all. Put together my second homebrew recently. This time I let it ferment for 2 weeks. Before I bottled the beer, I tasted the brew straight from the fermenter and it tasted quite good! I bottled using the coopers sugar tablets and let have let them sit for 2 weeks. I whacked a bottle in...
  7. J

    Brewcraft Pale Ale Converter - Any Thoughts?

    Yeah my first brew looks the goods. It is really clear in the bottle and is quite carbonated aswell. It just tastes plain old BAD! Ill let you know how the second one turns out. I reckon it's a winner.....
  8. J

    Brewcraft Pale Ale Converter - Any Thoughts?

    I'm in Glen Waverley, Sth East Suburbs Melbourne. I spend about 45 bucks on a slab of beer. I guess I still haven't managed to make a good beer yet so I'm a little anxious about all the cash that is leaving my wallet and the lack of beer entering my belly. I was also a little pissed at the...
  9. J

    Brewcraft Pale Ale Converter - Any Thoughts?

    Anything has to be better than my first brew. My first one I used just the tin that came with the coopers home brew kit. It started spewing out the top after 24 hours and was finished fermenting in 3 days. I left it for 7 days as the instructions said but I can now confirm it tastes like...
  10. J

    Brewcraft Pale Ale Converter - Any Thoughts?

    Hey everyone. I'm onto my second brew and this time I went to a brew shop to ask for advice. Since I love Coopers Pale Ale the guy at the shop recommended that I try using the Brewcraft Pale Ale kit converter. It came with cascade hop pellets and a bag of dextrose. I'm brewing at around 18 - 20...
  11. J

    Question About Fermentation Time By Confused Beginner

    Ok. So I'm a little bit confused by the cold conditioning part. How cold should I take the brew down to. I mentioned earlier that I have an old fridge I can use. I take it that around 4 degrees is what you mean?
  12. J

    Question About Fermentation Time By Confused Beginner

    Hey all. Checked my brew again. It has remained at 1008 for the last 3 days now. The taste has also improved fair bit but it still tastes quite watery. Is this normal? I'm going to let it sit for a while now. Hopefully I can keep infection out. One thing I did notice was that when I was taking a...
  13. J

    Question About Fermentation Time By Confused Beginner

    Thanks for the quick responses everyone. I can see this will be a good forum for beginners like me. Cheers
  14. J

    Question About Fermentation Time By Confused Beginner

    It has quite a strong fruity smell to it yet it does smell like beer. I've never tasted wet nappies though so can't be sure about that one :D Also, I live in the SE suburbs of Melbourne. Can anyone suggest a good brew shop to go to for some good advice / ingredients?
  15. J

    Question About Fermentation Time By Confused Beginner

    Ok. Thanks damof. Now I know what secondary fermentation is :lol: So here is my plan. Tomorrow I will take one more SG reading. If it is the same as the last two days I'll toss the fermenter in my old fridge and bring it down to a nice chilly temperature for 3 days. Then I'll bottle the...