Recent content by Hopeye

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. H

    Counter flow wort chiller and Rambo burners for sale

    Hi, I have 1 counter flow wort chiller and 2 Rambo burners for sale. Wort Chiller - $80 Rambo Burners - $50 each. IMG_0069 by Hopeye posted 29/10/18 at 12:57 PMIMG_0068 by Hopeye posted 29/10/18 at 12:57 PM
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  3. IMG_0069


  4. H

    Brewery Bits for sale

    Ok, Prices have been halved. Wort chiller: $50 Boil Kettle: $100 Cheers, David
  5. H

    Brewery Bits for sale

    Hey, The hole in the bottom is for anything that you would like to drain thru it...... Use your imagination, it's a bold kettle.
  6. H

    Brewery Bits for sale

    I have pictures of the burner, but, can't figure out how to upload them. It's a two-ring burner that sits under the middle of the kettle. It does need a bit of TLC, but, it's an add-on to the kettle and not for sale by itself. The kettle also comes with the copper down-spout/stop-cock, which...
  7. H

    Brewery Bits for sale

    Hi, I have a 10 metre counterflow wort chiller and an 80 litre copper boil kettle (with burner) for sale. Wort chiller: $100 Boil Kettle: $200 Open to offers. Cheers
  8. H

    Brisbane Ahb Pub Crawl

    Ha ! No-one's to talk about beer ??
  9. H

    [syd] Free 140l Bar Fridge

    Hi Xavier, I'm interested in this fridge. Tried to PM you, but, the system dis-allowed me from sending it. Send me a PM. Cheers,, David.
  10. H

    FS Hopeye's items

    The copper alone is worth $80, scrap value is around $30. If I were to apply the labour rates that I charge for my day job, you'd all think I was a ******. Far from what everyone is thinking, I am not trying to screw anyone on price. If I think what you want to pay for it is reasonable, we...
  11. H

    FS Hopeye's items

    Everything for sale is only worth what you are willing to own it for. It's purely Free Market rules. I decide who I sell them to.
  12. H

    FS Hopeye's items

    You can offer to buy either one or both. I haven't been on the site for a while so I'll check back in a week or two to see if anyone is interested in any of it. Please feel free to throw **** around as it doesn't bother me what any of you do or say. I don't care if you want to play silly...