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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. H

    STC 200

    STC 1000 Is too big size wise its has to replace Grainfather STC as the set button won't engage.
  2. H

    STC 200

    Thanks BeeR . What I am looking for is, to be able to increase the SP upper limit for in the code and function menu in the STC 200 that I have the F3 upper limit max is 70* C, can it be increased aand how?
  3. H

    STC 200

    Bump anyone with some electronic knowledge able to help ?
  4. H

    STC 200

    Is it possible to raise the upper limit from 70c to at least 100c and what is needed to do it ?
  5. H

    Inkbird Error

    Once again an Inkbird PID has let me down. I purchased three of them 2years ago and the first I wired has ran faultlessly for those couple of years and the other which I wired up for a fellow brewer have failed within 12mths. The first problem if anyone has some electronic ideas reads oral which...
  6. H

    Hello Everyone, I have been brewing on and off for thirty years. I started mainly with unhopped malt extract. I was happy with the results. I switched

    Your lid is not on tight enough as the Co2 is escaping from between the seal of the lid and the fermenter barrel. If there is Krausen on the top its fermenting. Try not open the fermenter as it could start an infection. Patience grasshopper.
  7. H

    Brewday and what is everyone brewing currently?

    Hey razz nice one. I have 45lt of Heff, 23lt of Belgian pale in a cube and 23lt of pale hopped with Victoria flowers both waiting on the sideline for fermenting. 23lt of Heff is for the 50th anniversary of Melbourne Brewers club dinner.
  8. H

    Who the hell is GrumpyPaul

    What no mention of the collapsible brew stand that helped you cobble together your 3V system oh and the mash tun. Cheap arse alright;)
  9. H

    Off flavours

    I have had similar problems over the last few brews and I am very particular about sanitising especially the cold side. I capitulated a few weeks ago and purchased two more fermenters. Although the beer is very young I don't have any off flavours. Cross the fingers.
  10. H


    Go to an Auto shop with the lid. It looks like an O ring they will be able to help you out.
  11. H

    Equipment For Sale Retirement Sale

    Typical what you got it for less than your cubby
  12. H

    Gas Burner - Have I bought a dud?

    I purchased a Mega Jet burner from BCF a few years ago the cost back then was $149 and then found the same product online last year for $100 and have never looked back they pump out 85,300 BTU's that's enough to boil any size pot. The original name the yanks called them was a Nasa Burner for...
  13. H

    INKBIRD Giveaway of ITC-308 WIFI

    I would love to win this thank you Inkbird
  14. H

    Greenhorn asking basics advice appreciated

    Sorry for the late reply . There are a few areas where you can place the probe you just have to find the place that suites you best. My preference is to place the probe against the side wall of the fermenter with a piece of yoga mat or styrofoam over the probe and then I tape it directly to the...