Recent content by Heath Streak

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. H

    Free Beer N Bottles N Stuff

    PM sent for left overs!!
  2. H

    New Extract Kits At Sydney Hbs

    Got the BMB Golden Ale in the primary at the moment - I'll let you know how it goes! Hope it's as good as TCB APA! Winner brew!
  3. H

    Beer Dinners In Sydney

    Hi Brewers, Has anyone been to a decent "beer dinner" in Sydney? I know that the Bavarian Beer Cafe offers their Bier Akademie once a month and The Belgium Beer Cafe occasionally has their 5 course beer-based dinner. I even think Redoak has one? Has anyone been to a decent one?? Cheers
  4. H

    Storing Of Beer

    In my "beer celler" - basement dug into the sandstone under my house. Constant 18 degrees all year round. :beer:
  5. H

    American Pale Ale - Aka Little Creatures

    Look no further than The Country Brewer's APA Wetpac - fantasic version of LCPA (extract catergory)
  6. H

    Introduce Yourself.

    Hi Brewers, I too have been lurcking on the site for a while but don't always get the time to jump on and have a chit chat. It is amazing how much info there is on this site and thanks to those who take the time to provide much needed knowledge and info to people like me!! I will be moving...
  7. H

    Belgian Strong Dark Ale

    crakaz Looks like a great recipe - might give it a bash this weekend! Where sis you nab it from? I love to do a good Belgian - and I always increase temp of the primary during fermentation. Never had any worries but I do use a starter for my bigger brews Cheers :beer:
  8. H

    Storing Grain At Home

    Thanks gents - looks like I'm be firing up my first AG this weekend with the grain I have!! Cheers and beers! :beer:
  9. H

    Storing Grain At Home

    Hi all brew lovers, Apologies if this thread is somewhere else on the site but I have attempted to find it without luck. :) I about to attempt my first AG brew on the weekend but am worried about the the grain I am using. I'm not going into the actual type I have as I just got it from the...
  10. H

    Ag Diagram

    Thanks Luke - that's the one I'm after. Pity I wasted so much time on the K&K when the "Doctor" could have helped me get it right first time for a bargin price!! :P
  11. H

    Ag Diagram

    Hi all, After brewing K&K now for about 10 months and getting together enough gear to attemp an AG brew, I'm after as much info as I can get my hands on before on embarking on some "real brewing." Obviously there is more than enough info at my fingertips here but while browsing the site about...
  12. H

    Cheers And Beers

    Without wanting to sound too in awe of all who contriubte to the site I just wanted to say cheers to all those experienced brewers who give up their time and knowledge to reply to the posts submitted by newbies like me! :beer: The wealth of information contained on AHB only helps to insipre us...