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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Formist

    Please Help!

    Thanks citymorgue, it was good of you say that. Sorry I had a go at your spelling. Hope you finally got your icy cool reward at the end of your tough day!
  2. Formist

    Please Help!

    Wow! That is so damn cool! I wish that was what I was making. Unfortunately, the brief stipulates that I can only have two wheels so I am limited in that respect. I will try and post some picture but my software is playing up a bit. I love that pic! Thanks Lukes!
  3. Formist

    Please Help!

    I went back and edited the link in after PistolPatchs response, as he didn't know what it was, not because it was a political statement. I'm here because I'm building a mobile bar, not to discuss the issues of pollution and your apathy. P.S. The event is on next Friday so may I suggest you...
  4. Formist

    Please Help!

    Thanks Johnno. In fact Critical Mass is not why I'm doing this project, it's just a convenient deadline to have this project made by. What I'm actually doing is this which is all about designing freight bicycles as an alternative to vans etc. The 'beercycle' is not quite finished yet but...
  5. Formist

    Please Help!

    Thanks mate, I'll have a look! As for the rest of you ignorant people your (please note the correct spelling of 'your' citymorgue2) comments have been noted and your insults reported. I hope this isn't the way you treat all new people to this forum. Should anyone choose to take up further...
  6. Formist

    Please Help!

    Thanks mate! Yes, I can offer a deposit on the gear, absolutely. I wouldn't expect anyone just to give me their stuff without some sort of insurance. Critical Mass is where a group of bike enthusiasts get together and ride through the city becoming the dominant mode of transport for a brief...
  7. Formist

    Get Paid To Crap On About Beer

    Sorry, I've only just found these forums ... had I have known earlier ...
  8. Formist

    Please Help!

    Hi everyone! I'm in the process of designing a mobile bicycle bar and need to rent/borrow some equipment for my prototype that will be ridden at Critical Mass in Melbourne in about 2 weeks time. I do not intend to use any of the equipment at all - it will all be just for show although the kegs...
  9. Formist

    Get Paid To Crap On About Beer

    Hi Josh! Just happily stumbled across your post. My friend and I run a beer appreciation session at Young & Jacksons hotel that we call 'Beer Ambassador' (every Saturday @ 3.30 - FREE!!) We'd be more than interested to help you out. I could even have a word to my boss and see if he would be...