Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    • figment
      figment replied to the thread G'day from a relative newb.
      Great rundown, this is awesome info thanks for taking the time to respond with such a detailed process. I'm definitely keen to get...
    • figment
      figment replied to the thread G'day from a relative newb.
      Haha, yeah I know it's real beer, better be, otherwise I'm drinking the wrong thing! Yeah as I said I'm sort of on autopilot with...
    • figment
      figment replied to the thread Hi from Portugal.
      That's my go to right now, but I do 50:50 Mosaic and Galaxy, about 25g each dry, I drop that in on about day 3. Good luck with it...
    • figment
      Hi folks, I've been brewing my own beer now for the past year with great success, specifically I've been brewing extract only Pale...
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