Businessman who quit working for other people in June 08 in order to set up my own businesses and to claim back some lifestyle ahead of having kids. <br />
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I brew, bake, cook, coffee and am doing my best to learn guitar. My favourite new toy is an SG with a Peavey Vypyr 30. Lots of fun.<br />
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Rather than tell you more and bore you to death, how about when we make friends we find out about one another the old fashioned way - over a beer or five.
Cooking (predominantly SE Asian and derivatives, Japanese - especially Edo period and pre-19thC Edo-mae sushi styles, French / traditional Western European), music (pretty much everything from classical to speed metal and everything in between), learning guitar, almost anything that I can apply my analytical personality to. And of course, beer.
Fermenting: ESB, Cali Common w/ rye. Drinking: Tsingtao clone MK II, Toucan stout. Conditioning: SB, SB, Dark Special Ale. Blogging: S-04/05 Comparo.