Coffs is a dead end ******** anyway.
There is not much in the way of craft beer around here. Sanctus is the closest, but there is opne supposed to opening at Wooli, something in Yamba and the local Brewhouse ( the old Tooheys Brewery complex ) has put in a DA for a micro and a distillery.
Take your dried yeast and make a starter, split that starter into 6 smaller starters. Use a starter to make a starter then pitch into our brew...
You should be able to easily get 20-30 brews out 1 packet of yeast depends...once you crack it it will get exposed to moisture in the air and start to convert*.
You should get a few weeks out of cracked grain if you leave it in an airtight container in the cool.
If you vac seal it, it will last considerably longer...months..years...depends on how...