Recent content by Dread82

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  1. Dread82

    Temperature control ? - options ? I did this on my ferment fridge and it works fine just an option if you don't want to buy a controller
  2. Dread82

    Pale Ale, thoughts

    House made it back, Palm out the back only half way
  3. Dread82

    Pale Ale, thoughts

    Haha no idea
  4. Dread82

    Pale Ale, thoughts

    This is my third brew so yeah plenty to do haha, I'm just glad it's drinkable
  5. Dread82

    Pale Ale, thoughts

    I cheat a bit, the glass has cross hatch etch that maintains the head also makes the beer go flat quicker, not that it lasts long enough for that
  6. Dread82

    Pale Ale, thoughts

  7. Dread82

    Pale Ale, thoughts

    Drinking this now and quite enjoying it, nice amount of bitterness and nice hoppy finish, better grab another one as we have a cat 3 cyclone outside nothing else to do :p
  8. Dread82

    Citra Pale Ale

    Yeah good drinking the coopers steam ale kit at the moment dry hopped with some cascade and citra for a laugh, tastes good waiting for a pale ale and a lcpa to bottle condition atm. Loving my new hobby ha ha
  9. Dread82

    Citra Pale Ale

    What size boil and what volume you fill fv to
  10. Dread82

    Citra Pale Ale

    Interested to see how this turns out
  11. Dread82

    What are you brewing in QLD
  12. Dread82

    Pale Ale, thoughts

    Yeah it is mid/high thirties atm so will make any beer almost drinkable haha, ive got two more on the go already using others recipes.... ill leave my creativeness until I get my head round it a bit more. Just bottled a coopers beer of the month pack, the steam beer so see how that tastes in a...
  13. Dread82

    Pale Ale, thoughts

    So ive downloaded Ianh's spread sheet and inputted all my data and sure enough its come out at 24.6ibu with the hop concentration factor on. Looks like its gonna be a mild beer.
  14. Dread82

    What are you brewing in QLD
  15. Dread82

    What are you brewing in QLD

    I adjusted the thermostat on my second fridge saved me buying a second controller works fine, ill see if I can find the page again