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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D


    Hi Newkid, this is the website I found very helpful. The bottom of that page has another link that will take you to the how to with ubidots.
  2. D


    Finally got it going and connected to ubidots and seems to work, I will do an Irish red on the weekend and we shall see how it goes. Thanks gentlemen.
  3. D


    Thanks AT, had a look at that one but he didn’t go to any problems that might arise. I couldn’t get any further than or the alternative address. The thing drove me nuts and I waved the white flag, a family member saw it sitting on the table with a hammer next to it and asked “what’s...
  4. D


    G’day fellow brewers, I have just got a hydrom, fully charged the battery and that is as far as I can go, the red and green led comes on for about two seconds and then goes out, neither laptop or iPad can see the hydrom on the wifi page, wifi is working. I have emailed the manufacturer, still...
  5. D

    Lallemand Novalager yeast help

    I have used it a few times with good results, but was at 18/19C and lagered for 6 weeks.
  6. D

    Forum needs to be active so let's talk political.

    I watch/listen to neither of those you named for the same reason, I just want the facts/news with no spin. I don’t support their media outlets in any way shape or form, I am forced to support Aunty (foolishly I pay tax). MHB, I guess in the overall scheme of things the billion dollars that Aunty...
  7. D

    Forum needs to be active so let's talk political.

    Cassidy and Sayles, neither of them can hide their disdain for any view that is not as far left as theirs. If you can’t see that then either you have never seen them in full flight OR yours views rest way to the left too. I couldn’t give a rats what your political persuasion is but I do object...
  8. D

    Forum needs to be active so let's talk political.

    And the ABC is for LW hacks that is just as unreliable as the commercial outlet, sad thing about Aunty is we are forced to pay to keep the buffoons on the air.
  9. D

    Forum needs to be active so let's talk political.

    If Australia stopped selling the PRC iron ore, coal etc etc there would be trouble, unless and until that day they can beat their chest all they like and leave it at that. If they thought for an instant they could just wander in and take it they would have done so years ago, but that may well...
  10. D

    RAPT Pill

    I am in the market for such a gizmo and this thread has made the decision for me.
  11. D

    Why are qantas still so ****?

    And all the above with an exorbitant fare? I had an interstate meeting to attend a few weeks ago and over a week out from that meeting I tried to book a seat (down the back), the closest I could get to my schedule was going to set me back $1350 return, Sydney Melbourne with Qantas and Virgin it...
  12. D

    Equipment For Sale Grainfather G30 AND Brand new Grainfather S40

    Hi CD, interested in the S40, PM me a price please. Cheers.
  13. D

    Forum needs to be active so let's talk political.

    The first stumble and Albo is gone, PW will be elected new leader and thus Prime Minister. The knife has been sharpened and the Caucus numbers secured. Why didn’t the back room boys just put her up from the start?? I’ll leave that for you.
  14. D

    Forum needs to be active so let's talk political.

    The lot of them are parasites and have one agenda, power.
  15. D

    Electric brewery options

    FWIW, I decided on Cheeky Peak 36L AIO “advanced system“ and added the whirlpool kit and substituted the immersion for a counter flow chiller and it all works perfectly as advertised.The only glitch, I asked for the whirlpool to be installed (in writing with the order) and it was not.PITA to get...