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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    Squire Golden Ale Recipe

    I assume that the boil is only with the malt extract and hops, and the Coopers Sparkling can is added straight to the wort? Can anyone confirm that?
  2. D

    Worried About Og Reading...

    Just to raise the issue of this beer again... It's been fermenting fine for over a week now. I racked it off after about 6 days I think. It fermented a little more, and I think now it's all but stopped. I think the probem with initial SG reading was that I had the tin of Coopers Pale sitting in...
  3. D

    Worried About Og Reading...

    Fair enough. I'll probably rack after a week or something, so I'll make check on how it's gone then. Any ideas what kind of FG I ought to be aiming at with this brew? And if I don't seem to be getting there, would pitching another yeast be of any use?
  4. D

    Worried About Og Reading...

    Good point. That could have affected it. Is it worth at this stage giving it a stir?
  5. D

    Worried About Og Reading...

    HI all, I've recently moved into extract/partial type brews. Now I made a pale ale a while back with a recipe like this one and it was great. Yesterday I did the following, but when I threw it in the fermenter and took an initial reading it was 1086, which seemed to me to be on the high side...
  6. D

    Stout For Winter

    Thanks for that. Being new to anything other than kits, I'm still not sure what you mean by mashing the oats, but I can research that. I think it's to do with holding them at a specific temp for a set period of time? I didn't do that with my grains. I just put them in cold water and brought them...
  7. D

    Stout For Winter

    Well I'm in the same boat! I brewed my first all-extract brew on the weekend. But I have serious doubts about how it's going to go. It's a combo of several recipes/suggestions. I'd love some thoughts as to how this might go. It went like this: 150g roast barley 150g chocolate malt 150g rolled...