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  1. BrownCow

    3 Days Since Pitch - No Activity

    Maybe it is just shy. I can sit there for 5 minutes watching and nothing happens. The water levels in the airlock seem to always be significatly uneven (different each time I look tho) and there seems to be some fine bubbles forming on top of the wort. Also the SG dropped 0.008 over the first...
  2. BrownCow

    3 Days Since Pitch - No Activity

    Well, it seems that (as I have read in every book/on every forum) you should ONLY trust your hydrometer in these situtations. My SG has magically droppped from 1057 --> 1049 with very little visual indication that it was doing anything! Although, when I got home last night and checked it again...
  3. BrownCow

    3 Days Since Pitch - No Activity

    I have only done OG reading 3 days ago, once I get home ~5:30pm sarvo I will get a new reading and post it.
  4. BrownCow

    3 Days Since Pitch - No Activity

    Hmm, looks like I am not going to be able to get to my LHB until tomorrow arvo!!!! Doh! Anyone know how long the wort might last without yeast??? it will be ~ 4.5 days once I get the new yeast in there.....
  5. BrownCow

    3 Days Since Pitch - No Activity

    Yep, I did take an initial reading so I will have a look to see if it has changed. I am not optimistic that it will have changed because of the lack of foam on top of the wort, ie, the surface is completely clear. Not sure if this is a difinitive sign or not....
  6. BrownCow

    3 Days Since Pitch - No Activity

    The yeast was sitting on the counter at room temp for an hour or so (~25 deg) but was stored under the stairs, not in the fridge, which prob would have been ~20 deg. Did I "proof" it? Hmmm........ that depends on what proofing is :-) Sorry for the noob'iness.
  7. BrownCow

    3 Days Since Pitch - No Activity

    Hi all, I have put together my 10th ever brew (James Squire Amber Ale) and it doesnt seem to have started fermenting yet after 3 days. All my other brews tend to start (lots of airlock activity) with the first 24 hours. Now the main differences are many: 1. New fermenter - same...
  8. BrownCow

    My First Kit - Is It Stuffed?

    Does it? oh well, I was sort of resigned to screwing the first one up. But do I have a Black Rock Dry Larger (with some Hops in there, and a Saflager yeast) in the fermenter at the moment, due to be bottled this weekend. It is in my old fridge (got one of those FridgeMates - cool bit of gear!)...
  9. BrownCow

    My First Kit - Is It Stuffed?

    Ok, thanks for that Mark, will keep that in mind for future brews. I probably disturbed the fermenter too much as well when moving from under the house, all the way up to the kitchen before bottling. I will be a little more organised next time, as I have an area to do everything without moving...
  10. BrownCow

    My First Kit - Is It Stuffed?

    OK, a week in the bottle now. Have a small amount of white sludge sitting in the bottom of the bottles (~1mm), hope this goes away with time...? Will open a bottle in another week (so 2 weeks in fermenter, 2 weeks in bottle) and give it a try - not expecting too much, but I am a little...
  11. BrownCow

    My First Kit - Is It Stuffed?

    Ok, the SG didnt change for 5 days, even with a little poking and prodding, so I bottled it on Sat arvo, and i will see how it goes (I will post the results here in a few weeks if there was anyone else following this). Yeah, you may be right about that one. I had lots-and-lots of unfamiliar...
  12. BrownCow

    My First Kit - Is It Stuffed?

    OK, just because I am a super-noob, and the temp here in Newcastle has dropped so much in the last 2 days... (global warming, my arse!) I am gunna chuck the fermenter on top of the hot water system (sits at about 22-23deg if I chuck a 2L milk bottle full-o-water in there for 24 hours) for the...
  13. BrownCow

    My First Kit - Is It Stuffed?

    If this makes sense - it was what came in the starter kit, 1kg of: dextrose (500g)/malt (500g)? But it definitley was only 1kg all up in a single bag.
  14. BrownCow

    My First Kit - Is It Stuffed?

    All that I put in was the Brewcraft Munich Lager Kit (1.5kg) and 1kg of dextrose. Calculator says OG 1.040, FG 1.006, I am stuck at SG 1.016, so doesnt really match up.... The SG hasnt changed for at least 4 days, so bottle it ya reckon, eh? And just see how it turns out? :(
  15. BrownCow

    My First Kit - Is It Stuffed?

    Hi all, Bought myself the Brewcraft Starter Kit with a Munich Lager that should have FG 1008. Mine has been fermenting since Sunday before last (12 days now), and the air-lock activity stopped on Monday (5 days ago) but the SG is stuck at 1016. I pitched the yeast when the little thermometer...