Recent content by BradG

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. BradG

    Keg King Regulator Manual?

    yeah hope so
  2. BradG

    Continuing Jokes Thread

    to be honest, tldr
  3. BradG

    I'm Back Baby!

    Howdy all, not a new member, but a returned member. Had a pause in brewing for about 5 or 6 years. Mainly used to do kits, extract, and some steeping. When I finished up I had started doing all grain BIAB in a Crown urn and made a few batches of 4 Pines Pale Ale which is my absolute...
  4. BradG

    3 piece valves... worth the extra cost?

    They have an internal bit that screws inside the end to hold the ball and seals in.
  5. BradG

    Heads Up: new series of Fargo starts 17 May on SBS

    Brilliant, thanks for the tip. Loved the first 2 series. Very quirky, Sioux Falls was not what I thought it would be. (Hope I got the reference right, it's been a little while)
  6. BradG

    Wisdom brewing - crowd funded beer

    You need to work harder on your fund drive then
  7. BradG

    Wisdom brewing - crowd funded beer

    It was Bannockburn celebrations, so perhaps not quite on your way home, depending on where you are going. It appears that the head office for the label is in shelford, 2 small towns further inland. I've not seen it anywhere else.
  8. BradG

    Wisdom brewing - crowd funded beer

    So I had heard rumours of a new local beer (Geelong area) before Christmas, and spotted it in local bottle shop tonight. It is Wisdom Brewing Collective Sessions, session IPA. Smells good and tastes good. Sadly I have now finished my four pack. Web research reveals that it is a crowd funded...
  9. BradG

    Continuing Jokes Thread

    Sorry, hate to ask but is it finished? I didn't understand.[emoji45][emoji17].
  10. BradG

    Mountain Goat Summer Ale and Steam Ale (Side-by-Side)

    Have you heard the song called mountain goat summer ale? Popped up on Spotify a few weeks ago. Funny
  11. BradG

    Which major stores still stock kits?

    At least 2 Woolworths I frequent still have them.
  12. BradG

    Australia Day lamb advertisement

    And I enjoy the mla adds. They are clever and direct, tongue in cheek, and celebrates the stereotypes of our munched loved fellow Aussies, that make this this country so diverse, and provides so much enriching cultural experiences.
  13. BradG

    Australia Day lamb advertisement

    **** I'm hungry, reading this thread! I love lamb, kebabs, beef, pork, provided cooked appropriate, and not just the fatty ****. Some years back, Friends had an few old sheep butchered, we got one. When preparing and eating, There was so much fat, I was nearly physically sick, wife became a...
  14. BradG

    Stereotypes: Brewers have beards

    Beard yes, pre brewing