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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Maltexo Query

    Hi MHB Thanks for the explanation, I've used the Black Rock malt extracts when making partials but I hadn't realised they were also called maltexo. I don't add extra malt to kits myself, another poster on this board I drink/brew/compete with, does and I've found his beers `heavier' on the...
  2. B

    Maltexo Query

    I've been asked the following via email: "most the brews that i've made i've put a can of maltexo in instead of sugar, but because i'm also using other ingredients such as grain i think there's too much body in some of them. a can of maltexo is 1.5 kilos, do you know if i need to put 1.5...
  3. B

    Brewing In Winter

    One thing to watch for in colder conditions is where you store the bottles during the secondary fermentation period. I'd got into the habit of leaving my bottles in the garage throughout the summer as it was cooler than the room I'd been using since I started brewing last September. We got a...
  4. B

    A Question

    Mantis -- mired in filth, grime besmirched coopers dark ale bitter supped this eve muh sleeve snot flecked 'n greencheese bespeckled get these spiders off me -- arachnocrampngrind -- I recklessly recccccommmend (the c's, the m's) the uh and the err mammon and triptych haikus with Coopers...
  5. B

    Another Newbie

    Just wanted to leap on this and run my tongue all over its saucy sentiment. I guzzled copious quantities of stockmarket-listed swillage, praise be their namelessness for they gave pleasure and I knew no better, that when I kickstarted the kit and kilo cycle I hoped the end result would be...
  6. B

    Adding Honey To Beer Kits?

    Last November I brewed a Lion Lager with 700g Chelsea sugar and 300g of Manuka Honey. Normally, Manuka honey costs an arm or patch of soft inner thigh due to its power to raise the dead or something but the wife haggled a 1.5kg container from a local beekeeping zombie for 12 dollar, bigboy. I...
  7. B

    Brew Now, Drink Nye

    If you get a Muntons kit & kilo down within the next day or two you could be drinking that for NYE. I'd suggest the Pilsner, Nut Brown Ale or IPA. 6 days in the fermenter then bottle, 12/13 days in the bottle then fridge, 1 day in the fridge then partaketh of. I know nowt about kegging but if...
  8. B


    My JB Brown Ale, echoing like a flock of test pilots messing with the sound barrier, was pitched at and sits on 20C, the JB IPA is sweltering at 24C and sounds like late-stage tappet destruction in an old car, yet this was pitched at 20C also. Oddly enough, the location of the Brown Ale is...
  9. B


    Bubbling is an understatement, my man, its more of a thunderous rumble. You can't tell from the still image below but those two doggies are jumping around like kittens in a sack.
  10. B

    Muntons Yorkshire Bitter?

    Sid had a 2 week head start on me but I made up for lost time by ramping up production almost as soon as I got underway. I'm currently running 3 fermenters but want to get my hands on at least another 2 as soon as I can. The graphic below contains all the labels of the kits I've done in the last...
  11. B

    How To Fix A Beer Glass

    Never drink from the same glass twice. This is a creed I've lived by for decades. Sure, costs mounted, so I took the evolutionary step and bought a mobile kiln, I blew my own glass when I needed one. I no longer drink as much as I used to though. The kidneys are fine but that asthma's a *******.