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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    First Timer Has Cider Question?

    Thanks for the advice. I have been thinking of options on sweetening and haven't yet decided what I'm wanting to do. I will probably go the sorbate route to kill the yeast and add some sugar,honey etc to sweeten to taste, but who knows. I'll have to see what it tastes like at bottling time. I...
  2. B

    First Timer Has Cider Question?

    So today I racked both batch's of cider to their secondary homes. I snuck a little taste of both and I'll have to say it wasn't to bad. Both had an apparent alcohol taste and where rather dry, kinda reminded my of a dry wine that had just a hint of apple aroma and a tad tart. The batch that I...
  3. B

    First Timer Has Cider Question?

    The batches are still in their primary fermenting bottles. Would I be good to let them sit a day or two more and when I go to the brew store to get my next two gallon jugs for racking, pick up a hydrometer and check the SG when their in secondary's? then just let them settle out for a month or...
  4. B

    First Timer Has Cider Question?

    Temperature is a little over 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. B

    First Timer Has Cider Question?

    Hello folks I am new here and have a quick question. I just started two one gallon batches of cider from Musslemans unfiltered cider I bought from the supermarket. One batch is just the cider and Yeast. The other I put in a cup of brown sugar and also a little Cinnamon. The yeast used was Red...