Thanks for your post
I’m pressure fermenting in a Fermzilla 2 and have found my last couple of brews have been under carb’d.
Are you saying you increased the pressure to 20psi when you do the Diacetyl rest, leave it there for the days it takes for the fermentation to finish, then cold crash at...
Thank you for this link.
Reading this and other articles, am I right thinking the objective is to reduce solids into the fermenter?
I am recycling my boil through a brew in the bag bag, I use instead of a hop spider. This catches most of the hot and cold break leaving not much to go into the...
Thanks for welcoming me to your group.
I’ve been all grain brewing for a year and am busy with batch 18 today; a malt forward lager recipe i have been working on.
First time adjusting my sparge PH so fingers crossed, i can address some astringency I’ve been getting in my brews