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      ahb-lot replied to the thread KegLand Questions and Answers.
      Thanks for that link. It's interesting that this hasn't been released yet when it's been in beta (evidenced with screenshots) for over...
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      ahb-lot replied to the thread KegLand Questions and Answers.
      Thank you for the response. I don't have that option, I only get the four visible in the screenshot. All my profiles are new as I only...
      • alert.png
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      ahb-lot replied to the thread KegLand Questions and Answers.
      And perhaps a feature request. When in a profile, one can skip ahead, but it would be nice if the current step could be changed. The...
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      ahb-lot replied to the thread KegLand Questions and Answers.
      Hi, as a year has passed, is there any update on this? Can you share when this is expected to make it out of beta? Thank you. Creating...
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