U U user 45423 12/1/17 strong smell when boiling i might not hop's again next time. maybe just add can of malt with the hop's already in it to a all grain wort.
strong smell when boiling i might not hop's again next time. maybe just add can of malt with the hop's already in it to a all grain wort.
U U user 45423 14/1/17 sort of allergic to hop's or one of the species of plant's. but i did not feel sick still now! a couple day latter. it might for not been as bad as i thought. black IPA pale ale. not stout.
sort of allergic to hop's or one of the species of plant's. but i did not feel sick still now! a couple day latter. it might for not been as bad as i thought. black IPA pale ale. not stout.