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The geared motor (around $13/$14 on Ebay) is available with different ratios, but I chose 24 RPM. Was thinking of the 60 RPM version, but thought it might be a bit too fast. As it is, with the regulated 12v plug-pack (from my stirplate), it gives 28 RPM, and while I haven't used it in anger (just finished it an hour ago), the water circulation looks very good.

The added benefit is that the hollow rotor displaces 0.7 litre, so total water required to cover the element is now down to 3.6 litres.

The bottom of the rotor pivots in a piece of flattened copper soldered in place from one side of the coil to the other, just above the top of the heating element.
Are those fins on the side and the whole PVC pipe rotates for improved circulation?
You got it. The photo's a bit dark, so I'll take a better one, but the inner pipe has an end cap glued on the bottom so it's watertight, and a bolt through that end cap goes through a hole in the flattened copper pipe and has a nyloc nut to hold it in place and prevent the hollow tube popping up when the HEX is filled with water to cover the coil.

The four vanes screwed onto the inner pipe give it just enough clearance to rotate freely without touching the coil - kind of like the mangler in an old-fashioned washing machine, but only going one way! It certainly keeps the water moving and circulating around the coil, preventing any heat stratification/hot spots or whatever.

Photo - see HEX_4

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