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32 burner mongolian

32 burner mongolian

The mongolian burner boils up the 150L pretty easily, and could probably get 250L to the boil. Worth the investment as it speeds things up. Puts out a lot of heat, and a lot of noise. Doesn't chew the gas as much as I thought.the other burner is used to heat our sparging water, and is a lower intensity, more controllable flame. It is a 4 ring burner from Ray's tent city. It is cast iron, and heavy. It heats 125L of water at the rate of 1oC per minute, to give you a gauge of heating times. Why two different burners? Well, we need the sparge water and hermes setup to be a specific temperature, and thought that having the greater control over the heating rate would be needed. Now that we have done a few batches, we realise that given the quantity of water, things move slowly, and predictably. So, we could have had just the one mongolian burner, then later on bought another burner (cast iron or mongolian) to start the boil in pot 3 while the sparge is still occurring in pots 1 and 2.
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