What's with the PC bullshit?

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Now that we've gone past Godwin's law, time to lock down the thread?
No, no, no this thread has plenty of life left in it. Once the holiday season is over then it can move on to the PC stuff surrounding oz day, then the kids will be back at school so "ba ba rainbow sheep" can get a run. Then maybe we can move onto halal certification. Plenty of subjects to cover here...
Well to keep the PC shit going they are now wanting to call the Big Man "Person Christmas" for shit sake

What are they going to do about/call "Mother Nature"

I remember years ago all of those emails that used to float around with all of these "facts" listed out without any references, data or evidence that would get people outraged. They were always about stuff like global warming, halal certification, new world orderrs, etc.

People just sucked that shit up and put theirr outrage meters to 11. People will believe whatever they want when it suits their biases, regardless of what evidence there is or even more likely, even without any evidence at all.
"Christians will tell you is related to Darwinism and essentially the work of the devil."

This only through the distortion of Christian values by our capitalist society. Due to the dominance of the USA exporting its ideology of capitalist Christianity they have come to define the discourse. Their is a strong argument the early Christians where socialist Are Christians Supposed to Be Communists?. Upon conversion Christians would sell all their property and the profits distributed to the community. This has a long tradition in Christianity, however it is now completely forgotten because through the Protestant tradition evolved the idea that material worldly wealth was proof that God loved you more then the poor who were poor due to their immorality. Yet the bible says:

“For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Lk. 18:25)

Look at Donald Trump, he wraps himself in bible and is extolled by evangelicals and feels himself to be first to enter into the gates of heaven. He represent the culmination of what Christianity has become a vehicle for self interest, gluttony and vile hatred of others.

Then in true convoluted Christian style Jebus says..... Matthew 10:34, "Think not that I am come to bring peace on earth: I came not to bring peace, but a sword.
"Christians will tell you is related to Darwinism and essentially the work of the devil."

This only through the distortion of Christian values by our capitalist society. Due to the dominance of the USA exporting its ideology of capitalist Christianity they have come to define the discourse. Their is a strong argument the early Christians where socialist Are Christians Supposed to Be Communists?. Upon conversion Christians would sell all their property and the profits distributed to the community. This has a long tradition in Christianity, however it is now completely forgotten because through the Protestant tradition evolved the idea that material worldly wealth was proof that God loved you more then the poor who were poor due to their immorality. Yet the bible says:

“For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Lk. 18:25)

Look at Donald Trump, he wraps himself in bible and is extolled by evangelicals and feels himself to be first to enter into the gates of heaven. He represent the culmination of what Christianity has become a vehicle for self interest, gluttony and vile hatred of others.


Note all the blacks and Hispanics and Asians in the crowd.
Also note the ones that look like they are a Falcon short in the Car Park.
Note all the blacks and Hispanics and Asians in the crowd.

I was going to polite and not mention "those folks".

PS. A recent genetical analysis of Americans who self identify as White indicated that over 50% contained Negro, Hispanic and Asian DNA. In light of the "One Drop Rule" it invalidates their claim to belong to the master race. Talk about self hate.

But race has no basis in science it is a purely a social construct.

I would wager that many true blue Australian would also fail the purity test. In the beginning there where many more men the woman in Australia. Only 1 in 5 of the First Fleet where woman so most men had to seek the comfort of other men or Aboriginal woman were used when men had the itch.
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