Tin allergy

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hi guys,

In the last week I have been drinking commercial beer in bottles.

It is the best I have felt in years. I have a stiffness in back, hip pains... it has been going on for a about 3 or 4 years..

About the time I started brewing and this week no home brew and feel much better.

I am only doing kits... Could I be allergic to Tin cans? Tin allergy.. ? I can only find nickel allergy info?

Has anyone experienced this?

Go and see a doctor rather than somebody here diagnosing your issue.
Thanks - I was not looking for diagnose, I was wondering if other people had the same thing, and perhaps not aware of it, and it may help others...

PS I did go and see doctor about iching a while back which maybe related, he was not helpful at all... had no idea to be honest - but would hard to make an assessment for something like this in 15 min.

I have felt really stiffness in the back, but it is hard to explain, just an overall stiffness that can never seem to stretch out of..side of hips too... nothing today again... really wierd.

I am trying to think of other things I have changed this week and that seems to be the only one.
I will drink my brews all next week and see if it comes back, then I will know. Be interested if other people have had the same thing. Kept thinking that is old age creeping up but today I will nearly perfect. Some people have maybe thought the same thing.... and there maybe a tin allergy that only effects a few people.

I have heard sugar can give some sort stiffness, but I dont eat alot of sugar, but trying to think if I have cut anything else out this week.....doing some rearch, thanks
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OK thanks - I will check it out, maybe sugar content that is my issue.. cheers
You are right, I had a can that I opened. White lining .....

I found this ...
  • BPA is a toxic chemical that can leach into foods from the lacquer lining of cans and from other food containers and bottles made from certain plastics.

Could be bpa?
Mmmmmm hard to say average 3 schooners a day, 20-30 a week?

I guess if your body has an allergy to a toxin it may not matter, my throat or cough can pick insect sprays etc etc, where as other people don’t ...
You are right, I had a can that I opened. White lining .....

I found this ...
  • BPA is a toxic chemical that can leach into foods from the lacquer lining of cans and from other food containers and bottles made from certain plastics.

Could be bpa?
I am pretty sure they aren't allowed to use BPA any longer, only thing is, what they have subbed it with hasn't been tested, could be something even worse.
You are right, I had a can that I opened. White lining .....

I found this ...
  • BPA is a toxic chemical that can leach into foods from the lacquer lining of cans and from other food containers and bottles made from certain plastics.

Could be bpa?

The amount of leeched BPA from the can of sugars for beer would be miniscule.
Do you drink bottled water? BPA Eat tinned tomatoes and other foods? BPA (I mentioned tomatoes as the BPA is released more in acidic products)

Here's a link re possible effects of BPA https://draxe.com/bpa-toxic-effects/

I'd think you'd be more fruitful looking elsewhere for your issue.

good luck

Oh and WEAL, afaik it's only been dropped from use in baby formula/baby food cans.
There's still a lot of BPA lined cans around.

No I dont drink bottled water - definetly not.

I understand what your saying, alot of things can have BPA in them, but the only thing I have done this week in drink less hombrew ... all other habits the same..

Re Draxe, your aricle link..... "It’s even in coffee cans and beer kegs." I use kegs too.mmmmmmmmmm

I'm not a doctor but have has cause to look at a couple of issues people encounter with home brew.
The biggest difference between Home made and commercial is usually Yeast! (with a couple of notable exceptions i.e. Coopers).
If you find you are reacting badly to Home Brew, I would get my GP to send me off for an appropriate test for reaction to yeast. I'm very reluctant to use the term "Allergy" it has a very specific meaning and believe me Tin and BPA don't fit into it.

If you are having trouble with yeast, there are things you can do about it, like really effective fining and filtering (not the sieving most home brewers talk about - real filtering).
Thanks, point of this post to get some ideas, yeast could be something... what is the difference between commercial and home brew, or are saying because beer is not filtered at home like commercial ?
Thanks, point of this post to get some ideas, yeast could be something... what is the difference between commercial and home brew, or are saying because beer is not filtered at home like commercial ?
You haven't been eating Grapefruit, that can affect the joints, I love grapefruit juice but had to stop having it because of excruciating pain in my thumbs.
Well there are many differences, but yes Yeast is a major one.
I'm not talking about the washable 5um fabric filters, I mean proper commercial filtration, needs a paper filter at a minimum, not as expensive as many would think
Something like this on eBay should do the job with the right pads, that one is in the UK but gives you the general idea.
So many variables with just being provided those few symptoms... and subtle changes in routine/diet. Sometimes intolerances are never identified. Whether or not this is diet related or something completely unrelated is tricky here
More people have a relative intolerance to yeast than what is realised and could be worth running you beer through a filter.
Do you regularly have GI symptoms such as diarrhoea, bloating. Or more severe symptoms such a nausea, constipation, dark/coffee ground like stools, or light red bloody stools. In the all cases, see a local GP. Very hard trying to assess over a forum haha.

Good to hear your having a feel good week. It’s worth getting to the bottom of this, you don’t want to be stuck in some inflammatory state.
Thanks Yes,

Yes I understand all that, but I tell you that I have not felt better in years, and the only thing I have done different is drink less homebrew from a keg. The rest has all been exactly the same - similar habits, foods, excercise, just what I do every week. I have been some research and could be quite interesting. The one that stands out for me is that a can of soup will absord BPA into body 229% more than a can of beans - simply because it is a liquid. 20 schooners a week is like 50 cans of soup. If there is BPA in cans (kits) or even Keg, wow. If I am more intolerant to BPA than others, it could be what is wrong. I have had a constant upper back stiffness - and you dont notice it until it has gone and writing this now even feels better. Just a steady annoying low pain. It could be the yeast as you say, but yeast seemes to more stomach, dietary / sickness related. You can even buy beer yeast as a supplement and it can be really good for you from what I read. I would imagine a toxin your body could be excreted out the muscles - and mine just seems to be upper back?
Could also be that there is more sugar in homebrew and is creating an inflammation? Could that be possible that is more sugar in home brew kits than commercial?
There should be very little sugar in beer with yeast eating it make alcohol and producing C02.
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Very common to have back pain and stiffness with intolerances.
BPA is in so much stuff these days.
Yeast may be nutritious. But if you have an intolerance, then your not gona tolerate it .
Yeah, nuts are healthy- but not if your anaphylactic ;)
I dont cold crash - so keg has a lot of stuff on the bottom when empty - trub? (1/2 cm of trub, not that much really) - could that mean there is more yeast in the beer, or could the trub be causing something?
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